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Learn about inspiring stories from the seven regions of the world: Africa, Arctic, Asia, Latino America, North America, Pacific, Russia.

Mi Comida Mi Cultura | Food Sovereignty from the perspective of Indigenous Women
Food Sovereignty from the perspective of Indigenous Women: recovering past dialogues to build a better tomorrow. Dr. Mirna Cunningham – Ceremony of 40 years of FAO representation in LAC. May 14, 2018. Mirna: Timni Yamni (good afternoon), I greet you in the Miskitu language and I bring you greetings from the grandfathers, grandmothers, young people,

Weaving Innovation through Traditional Cultural Practices of the Ixil Women
The municipalities of San Juan Cotzal, San Gaspar Chajul, Santa María Nebaj, are known as the Ixil Triangle in Quiché, Guatemala, home to the Ixil Maya indigenous women who are known for their traditional weaving skills. To learn about their culture is to learn the intricacies, meanings, and colors of their woven materials and the

Russian version of Indigenous Systems: Effectively Resolving Conflicts and Building Peace
This publication is the Russian version of the Indigenous Systems: Effectively Resolving Conflicts and Building Peace. Download the publication here: IndigenousSystemsRussian

The Green Climate Fund Indigenous Peoples Policy
A video explaining about the Green Climate Fund Indigenous Peoples Policy from Tebtebba. Source: Tebtebba

Indigenous systems: Effectively Resolving Conflicts and Building Peace
Introduction: Indigenous peoples always aspire to achieve peace and security in their territories. In the histories of indigenous peoples, conflicts and disputes were addressed and resolved internally as much as possible. Otherwise, conflicts had potential for severe impacts on the wellbeing of indigenous peoples sometimes to the point of their collective survival and development. Through

The True Cost of our Food Systems – EAT@Home episode 3
Episode 3 of EAT@Home focuses on how small-scale food producers can receive their fair share. We’ll visit farmers in Bolivia and Ethiopia; and to learn lessons from another pandemic, we’ll head to farming communities in Sierra Leone with Idris and Sabrina Elba. Then, we’ll dive into the wonders of the blue world: from the coast

“Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Knowledge and Climate Resilience”.
PREFACE The Pawanka Fund organized seven sub regional virtual meetings with 44 local counterparts from Pawanka Fund and Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF), between July and October this year on the theme of “Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Knowledge and Climate Resilience”. The aim was to create a space to have a dialogue, exchange learnings and have

The Arctic’s Future is Shaped by Indigenous Youth Leaders
Building relationships among peoples across the Arctic borders was a vision the Arctic Indigenous youth had when they came together in the very first Arctic Youth Leaders’ Summit held in Finland last November of the previous year. Bearing witness to the common issues their respective countries were experiencing in the Arctic regions, their idealism and

How indigenous land victories can cool a warming planet
“When we get full rights to our forests, we protect them, preserve huge stores of carbon, and help mitigate climate change.” By Kynan Tegar Kynan Tegar, 15, is an Indonesian photographer, filmmaker, and activist for Indigenous land rights. You can see many more of his photos on Instagram @kynantegar. Your country and mine are suffering from

Food for health: Sustains indigenous communities’ well-being
I N T R O D U C T I O N With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging across the globe, this crisis is likely to stretch on for a few years. The situation is especially critical for indigenous peoples, a global community who experience the most severe poverty levels, inadequate health and other social