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Learn about inspiring stories from the seven regions of the world: Africa, Arctic, Asia, Latino America, North America, Pacific, Russia.

Tradition and Adaptation to Climate Change
For a long time, the communities in Preah Vihear province of Cambodia were completely dependent on natural resources that provided them sufficient food and other needs. There was solidarity among the people. But in recent years, climate change caused drought, floods, storms, irregular rainfall and temperature throughout the year, severely affecting food production, cultural and

The 2019 Pawanka Calendar brings monthly indigenous images of inspiration
The partners of Pawanka Fund have been doing inspiring work in promoting, protecting and enhancing traditional knowledge as integral to indigenous peoples’ culture, ways of life and innovations. Each partner has a story to tell. The Pawanka Calendar 2019 illustrates some of the work of its partners and indigenous wisdom and thoughts to draw inspirations

Tara Bandu, a Tradition of Sustainability
The opening ceremony had village chiefs, local authorities, forestry officers, and community leaders in attendance. The highest clan “Rai Oan” or Son of the Land led the ritual, assisted by “Uma Dato” or House of the Leader who implements the customary law, and “Lia Na’in” or Owner of the Words who, as a judicial body,

Mapping the Ancestors’ Legacy
The spirits of indigenous peoples’ forebears who nurtured their lands for many generations in the three regions of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia must be delighted that their descendants have shown determination in safeguarding the traditional territories or wilayah adat. With its consistent advocacy for customary land rights, Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (Indigenous

Managing Community Resources for the Future
If one were to google the indigenous group Dura, an interesting but alarming fact about them is the near extinction of their language. In fact, the Dura language is spoken by a few, or nearly none at all. Being a marginalized group in Nepal, the Duras not only have to contend with this threat to

Passing on the Torch
Gather indigenous youth with the fervour to learn and re-acquaint themselves to their indigenous roots, then let them listen to the words of wisdom of their elders. Give them the opportunity to travel and encounter fellow indigenous youth of other cultures and countries, and let them immerse in the issues and concerns of indigenous communities.

Samburu Women Trust Their Future
Salante Leburkash, the Chairwoman of Merilosho Cultural Manyatta has lived through many droughts in her village in the vast North Kenyan pastoralist territory. In fact, this climatic disaster had wreaked havoc on planned activities in the community. But she and her village mates were determined to push through with the project. She rued, however, that

Marshallese Face up to Changing Times
There is a great wave of concern for the future of the indigenous peoples of Marshall Islands in the vast Pacific waters because of their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and global warming. The inhabitants in the atolls have seen rising sea levels, inundation, severe weather patterns that cause extended drought and threaten

Indonesia’s Indigenous Youth Trace Their Ancestors’ Path
After three years, it has indeed been a long journey. This was the same impression the indigenous youth who came from various nooks of the archipelago had when they first arrived in Bogor, West Java to take part in a series of trainings. The intense energy and inspiration to revive indigenous culture that translates

Indigenous Women Exchange Program Guatemala. 2018
Check out the highlights of the Indigenous Women Exchange Program joined by indigenous women’s organization from Guatemala, Thailand and Kenya. “As indigenous women, we have something unique that connects us around the world.” “Women and indigenous peoples take care of resources and Mother Earth.” These and more in this indigenous women empowerment from focusing on