Blog & News

Indigenous Peoples, Business, and Human Rights: Voices that need to be heard

At the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, we highlighted an undeniable truth: the challenges that indigenous communities face in the business arena. The slogan “Towards Effective Change in the Implementation of Obligations, Responsibilities and Remedies” resonates as an urgent call for companies to adopt social, environmental and governance due diligence, generating …

Indigenous Peoples, Business, and Human Rights: Voices that need to be heard Leer más »

Pueblos Indígenas, Negocios y Derechos Humanos: Voces que deben ser escuchadas

En el 12º Foro de las Naciones Unidas sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos, resaltamos una verdad innegable: los desafíos que las comunidades indígenas enfrentan en el escenario empresarial. El lema “Hacia un Cambio Efectivo en la Implementación de Obligaciones, Responsabilidades y Remedios” resuena como un llamado urgente a que las empresas adopten la diligencia debida …

Pueblos Indígenas, Negocios y Derechos Humanos: Voces que deben ser escuchadas Leer más »

The Fundamental Role of Indigenous Peoples in the Protection of Biodiversity

Biodiversity, which encompasses the variability of life on our planet, is a valuable and essential resource for the health of ecosystems and the survival of humanity. However, in an ever-changing world, its protection and conservation have become critical. In this context, Indigenous Peoples play a fundamental role in the preservation of territories and therefore of …

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El papel fundamental de los Pueblos Indígenas en la protección de la Biodiversidad

 La biodiversidad, que engloba la variabilidad de la vida en nuestro planeta, es un recurso valioso y esencial para la salud de los ecosistemas y la supervivencia de la humanidad. Sin embargo, en un mundo en constante cambio, su protección y conservación se han vuelto crítica. En este contexto, los Pueblos Indígenas desempeñan un papel …

El papel fundamental de los Pueblos Indígenas en la protección de la Biodiversidad Leer más »

Welcome to the second Edition of “Kimat Yachay”: Celebrating International Day of Indigenous Peoples.

“Kimat Yachay” Second Edition: Celebrating International Day of Indigenous Peoples Pawanka Fund is excited to present the second edition of our digital newspaper, “Kimat Yachay.” This edition is a special tribute to the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, celebrated annually on August 9th. We are thrilled to share the rich cultural tapestry and …

Welcome to the second Edition of “Kimat Yachay”: Celebrating International Day of Indigenous Peoples. Leer más »

Guardians of Our Mother Earth

We must pay tribute to Indigenous Peoples around the world, tireless guardians of our Mother Earth. We highlight their rich cultures, emphasizing the transmission of ancestral wisdom to the younger generations, recognizing the fundamental role played by the elderly, women, and youth. Indigenous Peoples, with their ancient cultures and traditions, have the right to self-determination, …

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