Udege traditional knowledge and sustainable boreal forest management
UDEGE- Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North
UDEGE- Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North
WAYFINDER- Ababuro Culture Conservation and Development (ACCD)
Native American Land Conservancy(NALC) NALC has a mission to acquire, preserve, and protect our sacred lands. As such, we primarilyacquire and steward lands sacred to the Indigenous peoples of the United States. This project willprovide the Conservancy with operational support to ensure we are able to steward two new preserves we acquired in the past …
Nacion Mayagna Continuar trabajado en la formación continua de maestros indígenas Mayangna mediante apoyos de becas para el fortalecimiento del modelo de educación intercultural y bilingüe y la revitalización de las lenguas a través mediante la experiencia de la universidad en el campo UNICAM que impulsa el CNU, las universidades Regional comunitarias en coordinación con …