Territorial management and natural resources

Enhancing Food security and Climate resiliency through Traditional Knowledge

Grant name: Enhancing Food security and Climate resiliency through Traditional Knowledge Local partner: Trinamul Unnayan Sangstha (TUS) Country: Bangladesh (Khagrachari Hill District) Background and objective  CHT is a special zone with rich ethnic diversity and vast indigenous knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation. This knowledge has helped maintain indigenous peoples’ livelihoods …

Enhancing Food security and Climate resiliency through Traditional Knowledge Leer más »

Strengthening Indigenous Traditional Institutions by Engaging Young Leaders

Grant name: Strengthening Indigenous Traditional Institutions by Engaging Young Leaders Local partner: CHT Headman Network Country: Thailand, Chittagong Hill Tracts Region, Bangladesh Background and objective  Traditional political institutions in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) have been working to maintain peace, and defend and protect lands/territories by engaging traditional leaders through a united platform. The CHT …

Strengthening Indigenous Traditional Institutions by Engaging Young Leaders Leer más »

North Saami Place Names in Unjárga

Veahčaknjárga Fishing Cooperative Background and objective  In recent time, there has been a language shift from Saami to Norwegian due to a long history of Norwegianization. This has resulted in Saami names for certain places to disappear from daily use and instead be replaced by Norwegian translations or Norwegianized versions of the Saami name. In …

North Saami Place Names in Unjárga Leer más »

Customary land use of Saami in Deatnu water basin in Finland

Veahčaknjárga Fishing Cooperative Background and objective Salmon fishing in Deatnu has been regulated through bilateral agreements since 1873. In November 2011, Finland and Norway started renegotiating the Deatnu (Tana/Teno) Agreement and approved a new one in early 2017, despite public protests against it from Saami and local people from both sides of the river. There …

Customary land use of Saami in Deatnu water basin in Finland Leer más »

Call of Time (Oydin nekeltezi)

Alyp Initiative Group Background and objective In 1998, the Tengri School of Spiritual Ecology established the Uch-Enmek Karakol Ethno-Nature Park to preserve, protect, and develop the natural and cultural space of the sacred valley. The establishment of the park was a necessary step, given that Russian law has no other category of land use that …

Call of Time (Oydin nekeltezi) Leer más »

Strengthening indigenous institutions for leadership and self-determination

Cordillera Elders Alliance (CEA) Background and objective Traditional elders are dynamic leaders of the indigenous peoples of the Cordillera region who sustain indigenous institutions, protect cultural heritage and promote the sustainable use and management of resources. They are good practice models in all aspects of socio-economic and cultural life of their tribes — symbols and …

Strengthening indigenous institutions for leadership and self-determination Leer más »

Workshop on “Follow up on Review Process of Chin Customary Law (Chin Acts)

Chin Human Rights Organization Background and objective In line with the recognition and promotion of Chin traditional customs and culture, the Chin Act was enacted based on the Chin Hills Regulation (1896) along with the independence of Burma in 1948. This Act covers inheritance rule and environmental conservation related guidelines such as rivers, streams, wildlife …

Workshop on “Follow up on Review Process of Chin Customary Law (Chin Acts) Leer más »

Yilmixwm knowledge of Tmixw: chiefs knowledge of Lands life force

En’owkin Centre, (Okanagan Indian Educational Resources Society). Background and objective Nsyilxcn adult language revitalization is a vital aspect of the work of the Okanagan Syilx people through research associated with the En’owkin Centre (an Adult Higher Learning Centre) and their Post Secondary partner, the University of British Columbia Okanagan, (UBCO) in collaboration with UBCO’s Institute …

Yilmixwm knowledge of Tmixw: chiefs knowledge of Lands life force Leer más »

Ngāti Porou Taiao Hub

He Oranga Mo Nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust Background and objective  In 2015 our tribal authority, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou became joint consent authorities over our land and waterways with local government – Gisborne District Council. The Joint Management Agreement (JMA) was a historic achievement and required the people of Ngati Porou to work …

Ngāti Porou Taiao Hub Leer más »

Strengthening the Customary Institution of iban Sebaruk indigenous peoples for realizing an effective and credible customary law system in sanggau district, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

Institut Dayakologi Background and objective Institut Dayakologi seek to strengthen customary institutions and law in the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration, located in Sanggau District on the border between Indonesia and Malaysia. The main problem is that the credibility of the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration Institution as the authority in charge of upholding customary law and …

Strengthening the Customary Institution of iban Sebaruk indigenous peoples for realizing an effective and credible customary law system in sanggau district, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Leer más »