Strengthening resilience to climate change

Strengthening promotion of agrobiodiversity of seed systems based on community

Public organization “Zan va Zamin”(Women and the Earth) The main goal of the initiative is to promote the conservation of rare valuable local varieties of agricultural plants and the development of local seed production for food by supporting and strengthening 3 established community seed banks and increasing the capacity of women seed keepers in the …

Strengthening promotion of agrobiodiversity of seed systems based on community Leer más »

Nomadic Nature Trunk (NNT)

Land of Snow Leopard Network (LOSL) The NNT program is an award-winning conservation project that designed portable trunks containing conservation education materials comprising 15-20 highly interactive game-based lessons covering native biodiversity, habitats, and human-wildlife conflict. LOSL is committed to decolonising mainstream conservation by incorporating and prioritising Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and indigenous spiritual traditions in …

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Renewable energy village model

Ogiek Peoples Development Programme (OPDP) The project will improve the lighting system of the Nkareta community by installing solar units at the Cultural Centre and 50 households surrounding the center, making it a Renewable Energy Village Model. Setting up a biogas plant at the Centre to serve the Ogiek community and act as a demonstration …

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Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District

Engaruka Community Initiative Organization (ENCO) The initiative sought to protect and improve access to ecosystem services, strengthen the economic structure of the pastoral communities, and spread the knowledge of solutions that local Maasai communities have to adopt in the face of Climate Change—an integrated approach to sustainable management of ecosystem services in land, forestry, and …

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District Leer más »

Restauración de ecosistemas marino costero en la franja Costera de Bilwi, afectadas severamente por huracanes ETA e IOTA

Líderes organizados de la Comunidad del Cocal Restauración del paisaje en la franja costera de Bilwi, a través del restablecimiento de especies forestales nativas, que permitan una reestructuración del ecosistema marino Costero, principalmente en la zona de amortiguamiento compuesta por los bosques de manglares”. Las cuales fueron severamente afectadas por las inundaciones y erosión, debido …

Restauración de ecosistemas marino costero en la franja Costera de Bilwi, afectadas severamente por huracanes ETA e IOTA Leer más »

Recuperación de Tecnologías Tradicionales para enfrentar el cambio climático: Andenes de cultivos.

Asociación de la Juventud Indígena Argentina este proyecto se espera que los miembros de las comunidades indígenas involucradas estén capacitados, recuperen y reutilicen la tecnología tradicional de los andenes de cultivo y así produzcan sus propios alimentos tradicionales y estén mejor preparados para enfrentar los impactos del cambio climático.

Indigenous Climate Action Program

IISAAK Olam Foundation. We will provide educators with high-quality, land-based curriculum highlighting Indigenous ecological knowledge, that educators can easily implement through lesson plans and modules through Our initiatives relevance is evident when reviewing the literature and discovering that when youth engage in nature, it fosters improved mental health, stewardship and advocacy for the conservation of …

Indigenous Climate Action Program Leer más »

Strengthening promotion agro-biodiversity of seed system based on community

Public organization “Zan va Zamin”(Women and the Earth) This initiative will bring together organizations involved for conservation seed diversity, with a particular focus on involvement of women.As part of this activity, it is planned to conduct trainings on self-managed seed banks and strengthening community seed systems with a special focus on role of peasant women …

Strengthening promotion agro-biodiversity of seed system based on community Leer más »

Nomadic Nature Trunk (NNT)

Land of Snow Leopard Network (LOSL) The NNT program is an award-winning conservation initiative established by one of the LOSL’s members in Mongolia. Each trunk contains a portable, conservation education curriculum consisting of 15-20 highly interactive game-based lessons covering such topics as native biodiversity, habitats, and human-wildlife conflict. LOSL is committed to decolonizing mainstream conservation …

Nomadic Nature Trunk (NNT) Leer más »