Participation and leadership of indigenous women and youth in local organizations

Weaving innovation in Guatemala: Sharing and exchange of traditional cultural practices of Ixil women

ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j Background and objective The Ixil are a Maya indigenous peoples living in the Quiché region of Guatemala, particularly in the Nebaj, Chajul and Cotzal municipalities. In the early eighties, during the Guatemalan civil war, the Ixil Community was one of the main targets of a genocide …

Weaving innovation in Guatemala: Sharing and exchange of traditional cultural practices of Ixil women Leer más »

Phase II: Nurturing culturally grounded and socially empowered Samburu women and girls in Northern Kenya

Samburu Women Trust Background and objective The project falls under Samburu Women’s Trust Strategic Objective 2: Promote the culture and indigenous knowledge of pastoralist communities. The continuity of this project will strengthen pastoralist communities facing the serious threat of a gradual loss of their culture. As pastoralist communities continue to embrace formal education and modernization, …

Phase II: Nurturing culturally grounded and socially empowered Samburu women and girls in Northern Kenya Leer más »

Governance model in the administration of traditional justice on nicaragua’s caribbean coast

Wangki Tangni Indigenous Women’s Movement Background and objective In the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua there is model of governance in which the wihtas or communal judges are the administrators of justice in neighborhoods and communities through the use traditional laws. They promote the restoration of order through mechanisms that are strictly communitarian, traditional and …

Governance model in the administration of traditional justice on nicaragua’s caribbean coast Leer más »

Indigenous women peace seeders with justice and dignity.

FILAC- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indigenas de America Latina y el Caribe The Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (Indigenous Fund) is an international organization of public law, established at the Second Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Madrid, Spain, 24 July …

Indigenous women peace seeders with justice and dignity. Leer más »

Creative Arts from the indigenous’ cosmovision as spiritual healing in cases of violence against indigenous women.

FIMI – Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas The Fourth World Conference on Women (1995, Beijing) was one of the first times that Indigenous women had the opportunity to articulate their identity internationally. Indigenous women from around the world gathered to adopt a declaration in which they articulated their concerns as women from an indigenous perspective. …

Creative Arts from the indigenous’ cosmovision as spiritual healing in cases of violence against indigenous women. Leer más »

Preserving the ancestors’ grand cultural heritage in contemporary manners

Indigenous Youth Front (BPAN) The Archipelago Indigenous Youth Front or Barisan Pemuda Adat Nusantara (BPAN) is AMAN’s autonomous wing organization, established on January 29, 2012 and incorporating indigenous youth at the age of 17-35 from 7 regions in Indonesia (Papua, Kepulauan Maluku, Bali-Nusra, Sulawesi, Java, Kalimantan and Sumatera) who is committed to BPAN’s Statute. BPAN …

Preserving the ancestors’ grand cultural heritage in contemporary manners Leer más »

E Ola a Laupaʻi – Live long the knowledge of the ancestors through the descendants

Hālau I Ka Leo Ola O Nā Mamo Our hālau, Hālau I Ka Leo Ola O Nā Mamo was established in 2009. The hālau was started in order to meet the demand of students attending Ke Kula ʻo Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu, a Hawaiian medium school in Keaʻau, Hawaiʻi. From inception the hālau has beeen dedicated to preserving …

E Ola a Laupaʻi – Live long the knowledge of the ancestors through the descendants Leer más »

Indigenous peoples learning center for the transmission of indigenous knowledge and values formation among indigenous youth in Asia

Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN) Provide space where indigenous elders, women and youth in Asia can meet to transmit indigenous knowledge, exchange experiences and lessons, including a learning exchange-immersion program for Asia indigenous youth in indigenous communities in the Cordillera, Philippines. Raised the capacities and commitments of 106 indigenous youth from 11 countries and …

Indigenous peoples learning center for the transmission of indigenous knowledge and values formation among indigenous youth in Asia Leer más »

Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: indigenous youth cultural exchange program

The Cultural Conservancy (TCC) Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: Indigenous Youth Cultural Exchange Program brought together Pueblo, Maya, and Zapotec participants for an immersive experience to re-engage Indigenous youth and elders within their homelands through traditional knowledge and ceremonial practice, and to re-connect the Pueblo and Mesoamerican Indigenous cultures that have been historically linked through …

Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: indigenous youth cultural exchange program Leer más »