Language revitalization

Preservation of the language and lifeways of the Yaghnobi

Public organization “Anahita” The initiative “Preservation of the Yagnoban Language and Identity” is the next step in studying and preserving the Yagnoban ethnic language and traditions, which are increasingly under pressure due to rapid economic and social transformations. Consequently, the project will primarily focus on the general trends and major issues in responding to the …

Preservation of the language and lifeways of the Yaghnobi Leer más »

Documentation and Intergenerational Teaching of the Yiakunte Language, history and Social-Cultural Traditional Ecological Knowledge( TEK) of the Yiaku Indigenous People through use of Print Media by developing Yiakunte language and pictorial booklets to Complement the Yiakunte Meta-human Chatbot Application.

Yiaku Laikipia Trust The main objective of this initiative was to use collected data on the Yiaku people and the Yiakunte dialect and present it in print media by developing the Yiakunte language and pictorial booklets for learning, teaching, and preservation of the history of the Yiaku people. Yiakunte language and pictorial booklets and dictionary …

Documentation and Intergenerational Teaching of the Yiakunte Language, history and Social-Cultural Traditional Ecological Knowledge( TEK) of the Yiaku Indigenous People through use of Print Media by developing Yiakunte language and pictorial booklets to Complement the Yiakunte Meta-human Chatbot Application. Leer más »

Establishment of El-molo Community Cultural Information and Language Centre

Gurapau Group The project proposal is to establish a cultural information and language Centre specifically focusing on gathering, preserving, and researching materials of cultural, religious, and historical importance to the El-Molo community. Moreover, the Centre will provide an environment where El-molo people will continually learn and use their language and other cultural aspects. Objects and …

Establishment of El-molo Community Cultural Information and Language Centre Leer más »

Grounding the work to document and transmit mother tongue in school

Center for Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Experiential Learning. (CCIKEL) The initiative aimed to sustain and amplify ongoing efforts to document, protect, promote, and transmit the mother tongue for the current and future generations. The purpose was to recruit and nurture a new generation of language speakers and support the process by making written materials available …

Grounding the work to document and transmit mother tongue in school Leer más »

Preserving Ogoni Indigenous Identity and Language

African Indigenous Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development (AIFES) Its objective is to improve public identification with the Ogoni language, culture, and customs to minimize the adverse effects of removing the Ogoni Mother Tongues and Immediate Community Tongue from the National Policy on Education and Retention of the English Language and three Major Nigerian Languages. …

Preserving Ogoni Indigenous Identity and Language Leer más »

Fortalecimiento de la Academia de la lengua Mayangna y a las Escuelas Normal para la formación superior intercultural

Nacion Mayagna El establecimiento de la academia de la lengua Mayangna como iniciativa propia de nuestra organización y aprobado en la sesión del parlamento regional del consejo y gobiernos regional del caribe Norte da las pautas para continuar fortalecimiento y desarrollando el tema de la lengua Mayangna y sus variantes a través de los diversos …

Fortalecimiento de la Academia de la lengua Mayangna y a las Escuelas Normal para la formación superior intercultural Leer más »

Documentation of BALIK Indigenous Language and establishment of Indigenous school in Balik communities

Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) This project will support the indigenous youth in two Indigenous communities to organize themselves to documenting their indigenous language and to do preparation to establish their indigenous school until their indigenous school established. Indigenous education strongly needed by their community, considering their community as one of endangered communities in Indonesia …

Documentation of BALIK Indigenous Language and establishment of Indigenous school in Balik communities Leer más »

Revitalizing Indigenous Newar language and culture

Women Empowerment Nepal (WEN) This project aims to revitalize the indigenous Newar language and its culture. Due to one language policy taken by Nepal government, Indigenous languages are in threat including Newar language in Nepal. In addition, as of cultural encroachment, Newar culture are in stake. Newars have distinct culture for every occasion from birth …

Revitalizing Indigenous Newar language and culture Leer más »

Juventudes Indígenas revitalizando las lenguas y las culturas en la ruta del Qhapaq Ñan

Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe (Juventud Indígena LAC) La iniciativa busca revitalizar las lenguas a partir de iniciativas culturales, principalmente musicales, llevadas adelante por las juventudes indígenas. Para ello se diseñará conjuntamente a la Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe, un pequeño fondo que permita financiar …

Juventudes Indígenas revitalizando las lenguas y las culturas en la ruta del Qhapaq Ñan Leer más »