Intergenerational transmission and leadership of indigenous women and youth

Yucatán and Oaxaca, México; Quetzaltenango, Guatemala; Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico, USA

Local Partner: YAKANAL Indigenous Youth Cultural Exchange Program The project will be based on the transmission and practice of traditional knowledge of the Moon to animate ancestral wisdom and practice related to women’s/non-binary and community wellbeing. Through intercultural collaborations including Maya/Zapotec/Mixtec//Pueblo young adults and elders, we hope to nourish unique attributes connected to the Moon …

Yucatán and Oaxaca, México; Quetzaltenango, Guatemala; Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico, USA Leer más »

Sustaining resilient ecosystem and protecting cultural integrity through building adaptive governance systems and vibrant inter-generational alliance.

Local Partner: Gabbra Community Background and objective: The project aims to strengthen the Gabbra traditional governance systems, bio-cultural heritage, social cohesion and intergenerational knowledge transmission through innovation, co- learning, networking and collaboration among the Gabbra and with other communities in the rangelands of Northern Kenya .                   …

Sustaining resilient ecosystem and protecting cultural integrity through building adaptive governance systems and vibrant inter-generational alliance. Leer más »

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya.

Local Partner: Rupa Farmers Self Help Group. Background and objective: The Oromo people of Northern Kenya have intact traditional knowledge of farming. They practice a mixed farming system, a major source of income and wellbeing. Farming is practiced along the banks of Ewaso Nyiro River. Supporting this indigenous community in the production of these food …

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya. Leer más »

Improved food security for the Gamo in Southwest Ethiopia through the perpetuation, protection and processing of the Enset Crop

Local Partner: Dere Integrated Development Action (DIDA) Background and objective: Enset is the staple crop for the Gamo indigenous community with high food security values and different non-food values, with every part of the enset crop used and nothing wasted. It is primarily produced in some areas of Ethiopia that are least developed and most …

Improved food security for the Gamo in Southwest Ethiopia through the perpetuation, protection and processing of the Enset Crop Leer más »

Breath of life/building indigenous leadership

Background and objective The Native peoples of California are one of the most linguistically diverse in the world. However, since contact they have experienced multiple waves of violent colonization, including state-sanctioned genocide, which led to extreme language loss. When the Advocates began their work in 1992, there were approximately 50 tribes who had fluent speakers …

Breath of life/building indigenous leadership Leer más »

Indigenous media as a means for inter-generational communication

Background and objective When indigenous peoples establish and manage their own media, communities bridge an inter-generational communication gap, which further contributes to the struggle of their rights. This project aims to exercise Article 16 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which declares that indigenous peoples have the right to have …

Indigenous media as a means for inter-generational communication Leer más »