Institutional and governance strengthening

Support of institutional development of Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna, a network of traditional pastoralist knowledge in Kyrgyzstan

Rural Development Fund The project aims to preserve the unique Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna (KEAK) Network of Traditional Knowledge and Practices, Safe guardians from disintegration and extinction, as well as to strengthen any aspect of the work of this Network, increase the capacity of the Network’s leaders and involve the younger generation in the Network …

Support of institutional development of Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna, a network of traditional pastoralist knowledge in Kyrgyzstan Leer más »

Protection of San Communities Human Rights through Capacity Development and Empowerment in 6 Villages

San Youth Network (SYNet) The initiative seeks to support the San/Indigenous Communities of 6 villages in Ghanzi, Botswana, to build their confidence and ensure that they defend themselves on the issues of social injustice. To empower and amplify the voices of the San indigenous communities to articulate their issues in critical platforms.

Upscaling the existing Project Phase with inclusion on developing indicators and monitoring to combat extinction dormancy of Traditional Knowledge

Indigenous Information Network(IIN) The initiative aims to revitalize indigenous knowledge and facilitate its transmission from the older generation to the young while combatting possible extinction and dormancy. To contribute to revitalizing and perpetuating the traditional knowledge, including language and practices, for four indigenous communities in Kenya and Tanzania through creating awareness of the loss of …

Upscaling the existing Project Phase with inclusion on developing indicators and monitoring to combat extinction dormancy of Traditional Knowledge Leer más »

Food System and institutional strengthening

Unión de las Organizaciones de la Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca El proyecto “La voz de las semillas” propiciará la reflexión sobre formas de agresión a las semillas, así como a los saberes y valores asociados a ellas, al mismo tiempo que fortalece su transmisión de múltiples maneras a las generaciones más jóvenes. Nuestro objetivo general …

Food System and institutional strengthening Leer más »

Capacity building of indigenous organizations and youth in El Salvador

El Salvador National Indigenous Youth Network (RENAJIES). La presente propuesta está diseñada para contribuir con las estructuras organizativas y especialmente con la juventud indígena de El Salvador, mediante el fortalecimiento las capacidades de las organizaciones indígenas para la buena gobernanza y gestión de desarrollo territorial, dotándoles de herramientas para la elaboración de Planes Indígenas de …

Capacity building of indigenous organizations and youth in El Salvador Leer más »

Kuchuj: complementando colectivamente nuestros recursos y conocimientos

Fundación Kemb’alil Coadyuvar desde la visión de los pueblos al trabajo de las organizaciones y comunidades para la recuperación de los conocimientos ancestrales, fortalecimiento organizativo y avanzar en la implementación de los derechos individuales y colectivos de mujeres, jóvenes y pueblos indígenas, es el objetivo general del proyecto. Se logrará mediante tres acciones concretas: 1) …

Kuchuj: complementando colectivamente nuestros recursos y conocimientos Leer más »

Fortalecimiento Institucional del CTI Watiasta

Consejo Territorial Indígena Watiasta Fortalecer la estructura organizativa y gestionar la administración del CTI Watiasta Restableciendo las estructuras organizativas de los Consejos comunales, organizando el Consejo de Ancianos, los jóvenes y las mujeres del Consejo Territorial. Igualmente se formará un equipo técnico administrativo temporal para iniciar los procesos administrativos de registro y documentación y de …

Fortalecimiento Institucional del CTI Watiasta Leer más »

Strengthening solidarity and advocacies of Indigenous Peoples in Asia in the context of extractive industries and energy

Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE) Inc. Extractive industries and energy projects, including agribusiness, in Asia are increasingly affecting indigenous peoples, including violations of their rights to their lands, territories and resources and to self-determination while women and other vulnerable groups are impacted the most. The Project aims to enhance the …

Strengthening solidarity and advocacies of Indigenous Peoples in Asia in the context of extractive industries and energy Leer más »

Strengthening solidarity and advocacies of Indigenous Peoples in Asia in the context of extractive industries and energy

Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE) Inc. Extractive industries and energy projects, including agribusiness, in Asia are increasingly affecting indigenous peoples, including violations of their rights to their lands, territories and resources and to self-determination while women and other vulnerable groups are impacted the most. The Project aims to enhance the …

Strengthening solidarity and advocacies of Indigenous Peoples in Asia in the context of extractive industries and energy Leer más »