Indigenous food systems

Kulima Kwambone, Malawi

Social Economic Enhancement & Enterprise Development (SEEED Malawi) The Kulima Kwambone project has been designed to enhance Indigenous knowledge on the utilisation of underutilised and neglected biodiversity in food systems through an integral approach to farmland conservation using sustainable agricultural practices for diversified food production and income security. Malawi is considered food insecure every year …

Kulima Kwambone, Malawi Leer más »

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya

Rupa Farmers Self-Help Group Pastoral communities in Northern Kenya have lost much of the livestock they rely upon for nourishment and livelihood because of the prolonged drought in the Eastern Africa Region. As a result, many are now turning to farming as an alternative source of livelihood. This initiative will support the Oromo indigenous community …

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya Leer más »

Strengthening the adaption to climate variability through Food Security for the Indigenous people of Southern Kalahari

Elsie Vaalbooi Development Organization (EVDO) The initiative aims to establish a community garden that will address the disruption of food availability, reduced access to food, and food quality amplified by climate change. EVDO’s mission revolves around the youth, and therefore, as we implement this project, we will continue to invest in the youth through ongoing …

Strengthening the adaption to climate variability through Food Security for the Indigenous people of Southern Kalahari Leer más »

Ngetngetä ngöghomnyo äsïl pö Pökõt” :Promoting traditional knowledge for community resilience in West Pokot County

Pastoral Communities Empowerment programe (PACEP) The initiative aims to create a more sustainable food system, resulting in healthier communities through traditional food and knowledge revitalization by (1) assessing the historical and existing traditional food systems within the Pokot community from production and land management through to consumption, with a particular emphasis on enablers of a …

Ngetngetä ngöghomnyo äsïl pö Pökõt” :Promoting traditional knowledge for community resilience in West Pokot County Leer más »

Projet de développement de l’apiculture pour la conservation de la biodiversité, la sécurité alimentaire et la génération de revenus pour le peuple Batwa du district de Rutsiro

OSEPCCA This project aimed to provide an innovative way for the Batwa to participate in protecting forest biodiversity and the Batwa way of life in the RUTSIRO district, KIGEYO sector, and BONEZA while improving their food security and income. The Batwa were expelled from their ancestral forest lands, limiting their participation in forest conservation and …

Projet de développement de l’apiculture pour la conservation de la biodiversité, la sécurité alimentaire et la génération de revenus pour le peuple Batwa du district de Rutsiro Leer más »

Rehabitalization of indigenous people

CIAP- Consejo Indígena Andino del Peru – CIAP El proyecto busca revitalizar estos conocimientos a fin de asegurar su transmisión generacional y garantizar el cultivo de productos propios de los pueblos indígenas. En Quenuayoc (Perú) o el pueblo Amorúa (Colombia) la revitalización de los conocimientos ancestrales sobre el cultivo y la producción de alimentos propios …

Rehabitalization of indigenous people Leer más »

Advocacy, Documentation, Publicity on Food System and Recognition of Land Rights of Indigenous Women in West Kalimantan”

Yayasan Pancur Kasih – YPK (Pancur Kasih Foundation) The ultimate goal of this project is to publicize the IP food system in 2 communities (Krio and Iban Sebaruk) as part of a promotion and campaign to protect the remaining biodiversity; recognition of indigenous peoples for one community (Ransa). This project will be carried out in …

Advocacy, Documentation, Publicity on Food System and Recognition of Land Rights of Indigenous Women in West Kalimantan” Leer más »

Promotion of Indigenous native plant species for food security and income generation of indigenous women and their communities in Thailand.

Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT) The main goal is to promote the selected indigenous native plant species for enhancing food security and income for indigenous women and their families in Northern Thailand. The selected plant species are plants used by indigenous women in their daily lives as food, herbs and colour for natural dye. …

Promotion of Indigenous native plant species for food security and income generation of indigenous women and their communities in Thailand. Leer más »

MENLIW-AT: Production of Info-plugs and Programs on Traditional Practices of Sagada Kankanaey ethno-linguistic group on maternal and child care

Sagada Community Media Network, INC Ten episodes of 30minute programs and 15 information plugs shall be produced on the traditional practices of the Sagada Kankanaey ethno-linguistic group on the welfare of pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants from zero to weening age.These shall be aired as part of “Pinagpagan: Sagada Radio Women’s Program”. These intends …

MENLIW-AT: Production of Info-plugs and Programs on Traditional Practices of Sagada Kankanaey ethno-linguistic group on maternal and child care Leer más »

Fortalecimiento de las capacidades productivas de la organización para hortalizas, quinua y camélidos.

AIPCAC: ASOCIACIÓN INTEGRAL DE PRODUCTORES AGROPECUARIOS Y CAMÉLIDOS fortalecer las capacidades de la organización a través de la compra de herramientas y máquinas simples a través del cual se pueda hacer más eficiente el uso del agua a través de un sistema de riego por aspersión y mejorar sus capacidades para el tratamiento postcosecha de …

Fortalecimiento de las capacidades productivas de la organización para hortalizas, quinua y camélidos. Leer más »