Documentation, dissemination and promotion of traditional knowledge and innovations

Weaving innovation in guatemala through traditional ixil women cultural practices

ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j The purpose of this project is to strengthen the role of indigenous Ixil women as custodians of traditional knowledge, relationships, lands, traditional weavings, and art forms across generations. The project will be developed through 4 crucial strategies: intergenerational dialogue, capacity building, economic empowerment, and networking. The …

Weaving innovation in guatemala through traditional ixil women cultural practices Leer más »

Indigenous conservation of sacred sites: places, people and practices of spirit and ceremony

The Registered Trustees of PACOS Trust To acknowledge and support the indigenous communities of Kinabalu, Sabah and other sacred places around the Pacific Rim in their traditional roles as original caretakers through the remembering and renewal of sacred practices and ceremony. PACOS TRUST is a community-based organization (CBO) dedicated towards supporting indigenous communities in Sabah …

Indigenous conservation of sacred sites: places, people and practices of spirit and ceremony Leer más »

Traditional markers

Tengri School of Spiritual Ecology This initiative will protect the rights of indigenous Altaians to cultural self-determination and protection of their sacred sources of knowledge by engaging the population in inventorying and documenting cultural-historical heritage sites and protecting indigenous use of those sites. When the initiative was under development, we conducted initial consultations on the …

Traditional markers Leer más »

Promotion of traditional knowledge and cultural practices for sustainable management of forest and natural resources through community-based monitoring and information system (cbmis)

Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED) Empower Dura communities to continuously struggle for securing their rights over their resources and recognition of their role and contributions for the sustainable forest, land , natural resource management and traditional livelihoods, which can be benefitted by other indigenous communities, who have been contributing for the preservation …

Promotion of traditional knowledge and cultural practices for sustainable management of forest and natural resources through community-based monitoring and information system (cbmis) Leer más »

Awaking the Potential of the Sleeping Dragon Community Center – Despertando las potencialidades del centro comunitario “El dragon dormido” en Santiago de Okola, Lago titicaca Bolivia.

ASITURSO- Asociación Integral de Turismo de Santiago de Okola Carry out a series of practical and inter-related workshops and events that will transform the Sleeping Dragon Community Center into a space for preserving cultural practices and engaging youth in celebration of their community’s past, present and future. In 2015, ASITURSO has been fully consolidated into …

Awaking the Potential of the Sleeping Dragon Community Center – Despertando las potencialidades del centro comunitario “El dragon dormido” en Santiago de Okola, Lago titicaca Bolivia. Leer más »

Walking with our ancestors: mapping traditional territories in Malaysia

Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) Empower indigenous youths to produce community maps of traditional boundaries through training and mentorship from elders. Creation of national knowledge management platform to compile all existing community maps and updated with new information collected by the youths. The map is very useful for the community as their document if their …

Walking with our ancestors: mapping traditional territories in Malaysia Leer más »

Education through action

Association for Culture-creating Schools of Altai Restoration of the traditional education system by AruSvaty Center, innovatively using indigenous and Western scientific knowledge to form an integrated educational process through the natural space of the Sacred Karakol Valley, which provides for correction of organic disturbances and resources in order to achieve self-regulation, self-restoration, and self-education. We …

Education through action Leer más »

Intergenerational dialogues on life cycles in Culture of the Miskitu people in the northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region.

Casa de Cultura Multiétnica de la Region Autónoma del Caribe Norte The annual ceremony of the lifecycles Miskitu peoples -Urale, King Pulanka and Sihkru- allowed wise men and cultural carriers to transmit traditional, spiritual and cultural knowledge to the youth and children in communities, neighborhoods and schools in Bilwi and surrounding communities. The aim was …

Intergenerational dialogues on life cycles in Culture of the Miskitu people in the northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region. Leer más »