Documentation, dissemination and promotion of traditional knowledge and innovations

Construction de la résilience des peoples autochtones face au terrorisme à travers la conservation des connaissances traditionnelles.

Femmes Pour la Dignite de Sahel(AFDS) The initiative aims to bring together young and adult indigenous Fulani women who have been displaced by terrorism so that they can pass on and perfect their traditional knowledge, particularly in the making of traditional beauty items and instruments, in order to market them and obtain income that will …

Construction de la résilience des peoples autochtones face au terrorisme à travers la conservation des connaissances traditionnelles. Leer más »

Mentoring youth in indigenous knowledge, traditional leadership skills, environmental custodianship and cultural survival

Lattu Lifespring This initiative champions the enhancement of cultural education for children and youth in order to help reinforce who they are and to be proud of their own culture and traditional knowledge systems. Such education will revitalize cultural practices, promote relationships among generations, ensure cultural transmission and combined with formal education, offer the child …

Mentoring youth in indigenous knowledge, traditional leadership skills, environmental custodianship and cultural survival Leer más »

Documenting and Digitizing Indigenous Pastoral Maasai Traditional knowledge on cultural Expressions and associated resources for posterity.

Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA) Initiative endeavors to document and digitize traditional knowledge, cultural expressions and associated resources of Pastoralists Maasai of Kenya with a focus of Narok County, Kenya.

Revitalization and transmission of traditional knowledge to combat extinction and dormancy

Indigenous Information Network (IIN) The revitalization of indigenous knowledge, transmission from older generation to the young while trying to combat possible extinction and dormancy. Activities will include revitalization of vernacular languages learning and relating to Land and productive resources (environmental conservation, food systems, health, culture, and education) as important heritage of different communities to be …

Revitalization and transmission of traditional knowledge to combat extinction and dormancy Leer más »

Nuaulu Culture School

Local Partner: Yayasan Saniri Alifuru (Alifuru Council Foundation) Parents and traditional elders held the Hunahane Customary School to teach history, traditional dances and hand-woven Nuaulu rattan and bamboo and other things about Nuaulu. About their rights how to protect them and how to keep their culture and language to be live forever. So then the …

Nuaulu Culture School Leer más »