Documentation, dissemination and promotion of traditional knowledge and innovations

Strengthening Indigenous Identities of Kyrgyzstani People through Acquaintance with Other Indigenous Cultures

“Arysh Kench” Public Association The initiative aims to understand and strengthen the indigenous identities of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan through their acquaintance with the spiritual culture of Native Americans based on the translation of Apela Colorado’s book “Woman Between The Worlds.” Translation of the “Woman Between the Worlds” book into Kyrgyz with comments and its …

Strengthening Indigenous Identities of Kyrgyzstani People through Acquaintance with Other Indigenous Cultures Leer más »

Cultural Heritage Meets Modern Technology

SolTech, LLC The project involves developing animated video materials to reveal the tradition of pilgrimage practices to sacred sites based on the journey of two main characters and the multifaceted nature of cultural heritage through the visualisation of legends about the origins of sacred sites from different regions of the country. Production, screening, and discussion …

Cultural Heritage Meets Modern Technology Leer más »

Documenting and Promoting Traditional Medical Knowledge and Skills: Midwives as Bearers of Centuries-Old Health-related Traditions

Public Association “Miralina” The project aims to document traditional medicinal knowledge about curing people using medicinal plants. In particular, the traditional medical knowledge related to childbirth and skills related to caring for an infant and the infant’s mother are being lost and are safeguarded only by a few knowledge bearers. 320 knowledge bearers in very …

Documenting and Promoting Traditional Medical Knowledge and Skills: Midwives as Bearers of Centuries-Old Health-related Traditions Leer más »

Documenting the Petroglyphs of Ak-Bulun (Ak-Suisky District, Issyk-Kulsky Oblast, Kyrgyzstan).

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC) Spiritual practitioners in Kyrgyzstan believe that petroglyphs preserve ancient people’s knowledge, document rituals and daily practices, and contain coded information for descendants. Aigine Center will hold training seminars, work with students to certify the Ak-Bulun petroglyphs, create an online map and an information stand, and enter the complex data into …

Documenting the Petroglyphs of Ak-Bulun (Ak-Suisky District, Issyk-Kulsky Oblast, Kyrgyzstan). Leer más »

Traditional conservation of Herbal and Sacred trees along Maasai pastoral rangeland in northern Tanzania

Indigenous Livelihood Innovation Organization Team (ILIOT) To transform oral tradition and cultural knowledge into formal ways for conserving herbal and sacred trees. Increased awareness of herbal and sacred tree conservation for 2292 households from Loibor-siret, more than 5000 women and 4000 men. Identified in numbers, the names of these species of herbal and sacred trees …

Traditional conservation of Herbal and Sacred trees along Maasai pastoral rangeland in northern Tanzania Leer más »

Construction de la résilience des peoples autochtones face au terrorisme à travers la conservation des connaissances traditionnelles .

Femmes Pour la Dignite de Sahel(AFDS) The project aims to bring together young and adult indigenous Fulani women who have been displaced by terrorism so that they can pass on and perfect their traditional knowledge, particularly in the making of traditional beauty items and instruments, to market them and obtain income that will help them …

Construction de la résilience des peoples autochtones face au terrorisme à travers la conservation des connaissances traditionnelles . Leer más »

Mentoring youth in indigenous knowledge, traditional leadership skills, environmental custodianship and cultural survival

Lattu Lifespring This project champions the enhancement of cultural education for children and youth to help reinforce who they are and be proud of their culture and traditional knowledge systems. Such education will revitalize cultural practices, promote relationships among generations, ensure cultural transmission, and offer the child the best of both worlds combined with formal …

Mentoring youth in indigenous knowledge, traditional leadership skills, environmental custodianship and cultural survival Leer más »

Documenting and Digitizing Indigenous Pastoral Maasai Traditional knowledge on cultural Expressions and associated resources for posterity.

Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA) Project endeavors to document and digitize traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, and associated resources of Pastoralists Maasai of Kenya, with a focus on Narok County, Kenya. Easy-to-read publication in place. Community awareness is raised. Decision-making organs are identified and engaged.Validated and robust questionnaire Knowledge holders identified, FPIC sort and a Repository …

Documenting and Digitizing Indigenous Pastoral Maasai Traditional knowledge on cultural Expressions and associated resources for posterity. Leer más »

Supporting Pygmy Children and Youth in education and cultural values safeguard

Dignité Pygmée (DIPY) Through this project, DIPY will provide gender-balanced support to pygmy children to enable them to attend school in decent conditions without dropping out until the completion of their primary cycle. The BOLINGO school will be rehabilitated, school supplies provided, and a school canteen set up for them. Their parents will be empowered …

Supporting Pygmy Children and Youth in education and cultural values safeguard Leer más »

Documenting and preserving the Maasai culture

South Rift Association of Land owners(SORALO) This initiative aims to document, collect, and preserve Maasai traditions, both material and nonmaterial culture, at the Olorgessallie Maasai Cultural Center and promote a biannual gathering of the Maasai to celebrate their culture as a way to continue passing on their cultural practices to younger generations. The complete structure …

Documenting and preserving the Maasai culture Leer más »