Climate Resilience

Local climate change adaptation strategies for safeguarding Intangible cultural heritage

The initiative group “Suuchular” (The Waterers) The primary objective of this initiative is to contribute to training indigenous youth to conduct participatory research on the impact of climate change (interpreted based on local indicators of climate change) on indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and document local adaptive strategies. To influence mainstream climate change adaptation programs …

Local climate change adaptation strategies for safeguarding Intangible cultural heritage Leer más »

Supporting “Dyikan Muras” seed-custodians network in Kyrgyzstan

Agency of Development Initiatives (ADI) The primary objective of this initiative is to contribute to replenishing local vegetable varieties. Although Kyrgyzstan was a seed-producing country in Soviet times, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan imports vegetable seeds entirely. The majority are first-generation hybrids which are very expensive, and farmers are dependent on buying …

Supporting “Dyikan Muras” seed-custodians network in Kyrgyzstan Leer más »

Establishment of local crops community seed bank in Rasht district, Tajikistan”

Public Organization “Rushnoi” The primary objective of this initiative is to establish a seed bank to save seeds of local crops and fruits as well as their wild relatives. Rasht district is a mountainous area in Tajikistan, as it relies on horticulture and farming as the primary occupations. In recent years, the region has faced …

Establishment of local crops community seed bank in Rasht district, Tajikistan” Leer más »

Building climate change resilient communities

Pastoralists Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations PINGOs The initiative aims to strengthen community-based and collective-held knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, offering valuable insights and complementing scientific data on climate science and landscape-specific to enable Indigenous Peoples and the decision-making bodies to verify climate models and evaluate climate change scenarios at a much broader spatial and temporal scale. The …

Building climate change resilient communities Leer más »

Scaling up renewable energy as a means of combating climate change crisis among Ogiek of Mau Forest in Kenya

Ogiek Peoples Development Programme (OPDP) The initiative aims to increase clean energy and access to the Ogiek Community by providing renewable energy and mitigating climate change. To: a) Build the capacity of the Ogiek community on the use of renewable energies such as energy-saving jikos, biogas, briquettes, and solar systems; b) Provide support to 50 …

Scaling up renewable energy as a means of combating climate change crisis among Ogiek of Mau Forest in Kenya Leer más »

Enhancing the Socio-Economic Status of 30 Women Master Farm Vegetable Producers in the Upper River Region through Value Addition of agricultural produce and Economic Empowerment

TUMANA agency for development To achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable economic growth and employment. To improve economic well-being, levels of nutrition, and the capacity development of women in agriculture and agricultural practices that enable them to get income and sustain themselves and ensure the availability of farm produce at affordable prices and …

Enhancing the Socio-Economic Status of 30 Women Master Farm Vegetable Producers in the Upper River Region through Value Addition of agricultural produce and Economic Empowerment Leer más »

Revalorising Indigenous Pastoralists’ Traditional Knowledge and Practices: Promoting Sustainable Grazing and Household Energy Resilience in the West Region of Cameroon

African Indigenous Women Organization Central African Network (AIWO-CAN) Mbororo pastoralist communities depend on the natural environment for survival, but with climate change, conservation, and tourism, this system is under threat, making extensive herding challenging. This project will address the need to change the quality of herding through improved pastures and the ability of animals to …

Revalorising Indigenous Pastoralists’ Traditional Knowledge and Practices: Promoting Sustainable Grazing and Household Energy Resilience in the West Region of Cameroon Leer más »


Fulbe Development & Cultural Organization FUDECO The initiative aims to restore the environment by planting desert-resistant economic trees, providing communities with small ruminant animals (sheep and goats) and chickens, and helping them restart small-scale farming. The ruminants will be part of the Pass on the Gift scheme, where the firstborn of the animal is passed …


Climate Resilience; Beadwork for Economy Recovery and Learning “Menyanyuk Osiligi O Pala”

Manyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization (MPIDO) This initiative aims to design a two-year economic recovery and rebuilding strategy after a prolonged drought in East Africa that will provide a sustainable source of livelihood for the indigenous women and consequently empower them socially and economically. It will also address the underlying causes of vulnerability to strengthen …

Climate Resilience; Beadwork for Economy Recovery and Learning “Menyanyuk Osiligi O Pala” Leer más »