
Weaving Generations of Healing

Local partner: California Consortium for Unban Indian Health Country: United States (California) Background and objective The California Consortium for Urban Indian Health’s work and progress toward bringing attention to the value of American Indian/Alaskan Natives (AIAN) traditional healing practices in behavioral health is significant. CCUIH has worked to bring together behavioral health and primary care …

Weaving Generations of Healing Leer más »

Breath of life/building indigenous leadership

Background and objective The Native peoples of California are one of the most linguistically diverse in the world. However, since contact they have experienced multiple waves of violent colonization, including state-sanctioned genocide, which led to extreme language loss. When the Advocates began their work in 1992, there were approximately 50 tribes who had fluent speakers …

Breath of life/building indigenous leadership Leer más »

Yilmixwm knowledge of Tmixw: chiefs knowledge of Lands life force

En’owkin Centre, (Okanagan Indian Educational Resources Society). Background and objective Nsyilxcn adult language revitalization is a vital aspect of the work of the Okanagan Syilx people through research associated with the En’owkin Centre (an Adult Higher Learning Centre) and their Post Secondary partner, the University of British Columbia Okanagan, (UBCO) in collaboration with UBCO’s Institute …

Yilmixwm knowledge of Tmixw: chiefs knowledge of Lands life force Leer más »

The Menominee path to climate resiliency is found within the Menominee language

Collage of Menominee Nation The College of Menominee Nation’s Sustainable Development Institute and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin’s Language Immersion Program will obtain guidance on how to revitalize the Menominee language in support of a larger Tribal effort to establish a charter immersion school to be run by Omaeqnomenewak (“People of the Wild Rice”) …

The Menominee path to climate resiliency is found within the Menominee language Leer más »

A sculpture garden of native science & learning: Scale model

The Native American Academy The Native American Academy Founding Circle are a group of Native scholars and Traditional Knowledge Holders that since 1992 have developed into a network of native and non-native people dedicated to broadening the contemporary concepts of science and learning and to foster efforts to increase cultural competency and understanding of the …

A sculpture garden of native science & learning: Scale model Leer más »

Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: indigenous youth cultural exchange program

The Cultural Conservancy (TCC) Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: Indigenous Youth Cultural Exchange Program brought together Pueblo, Maya, and Zapotec participants for an immersive experience to re-engage Indigenous youth and elders within their homelands through traditional knowledge and ceremonial practice, and to re-connect the Pueblo and Mesoamerican Indigenous cultures that have been historically linked through …

Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: indigenous youth cultural exchange program Leer más »