Latino America

Strengthening young indigenous leaders and intergenerational communication

Strengthen the leadership of young Andean and Amazonian people through intergenerational communication and recovery of oral stories on spirituality and sacred sites of indigenous peoples, as told by the elders. Network of Young Indigenous Organizations of Peru – REOJIP, which brings together more than 5 indigenous youth organizations at regional and national levels.

Intergenerational dialogues on life cycles in Culture of the Miskitu people in the northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region.

Casa de Cultura Multiétnica de la Region Autónoma del Caribe Norte The annual ceremony of the lifecycles Miskitu peoples -Urale, King Pulanka and Sihkru- allowed wise men and cultural carriers to transmit traditional, spiritual and cultural knowledge to the youth and children in communities, neighborhoods and schools in Bilwi and surrounding communities. The aim was …

Intergenerational dialogues on life cycles in Culture of the Miskitu people in the northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region. Leer más »