Latino America

International campaign on indigenous languages

NOTIMIA Agencia de noticias de mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes Background and objective Many of indigenous peoples do not speak their languages because of an accelerated loss of their identity due to different historical, political, economic and social reasons. Indigenous languages are not only channels of communication, but are central to identity and the continuation of …

International campaign on indigenous languages Leer más »

Weaving innovation in Guatemala: Sharing and exchange of traditional cultural practices of Ixil women

ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j Background and objective The Ixil are a Maya indigenous peoples living in the Quiché region of Guatemala, particularly in the Nebaj, Chajul and Cotzal municipalities. In the early eighties, during the Guatemalan civil war, the Ixil Community was one of the main targets of a genocide …

Weaving innovation in Guatemala: Sharing and exchange of traditional cultural practices of Ixil women Leer más »

Governance model in the administration of traditional justice on nicaragua’s caribbean coast

Wangki Tangni Indigenous Women’s Movement Background and objective In the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua there is model of governance in which the wihtas or communal judges are the administrators of justice in neighborhoods and communities through the use traditional laws. They promote the restoration of order through mechanisms that are strictly communitarian, traditional and …

Governance model in the administration of traditional justice on nicaragua’s caribbean coast Leer más »

Strategic dialogue on governance and indigenous people

Background and objective Governmental decision makers need to have adequate information on practices, ancestral values and traditional knowledge to be used as efficient governance tools that can be added to their own management techniques and thus strengthen the intercultural governance framework. In this process, it is essential to identify the ancestral values in the indigenous …

Strategic dialogue on governance and indigenous people Leer más »

Strengthening the llaguepulli family economy and nutrition based on the mapuche knowledge

Llaguipulli Indigenous Community This project arises from the needs and aspirations of our families, and is based on our capabilities, experiences, processes of participation, self-organization and ongoing collaboration, which has enabled us to generate a comprehensive assessment of opportunities and challenges of our family agriculture in a context of limited access to natural resources, climate …

Strengthening the llaguepulli family economy and nutrition based on the mapuche knowledge Leer más »

Strengthening the knowledge of indigenous peoples on climate change

Department of Ethnic Minority of Ba Thuoc district-DEM The proposal aims to work two main lines of approach, which are: a) education and training, b) strengthening knowledge on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples related to climate change. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Generate the continuity of processes of capacity building communities and indigenous leadership from indigenous knowledge and …

Strengthening the knowledge of indigenous peoples on climate change Leer más »

Creative Arts from the indigenous’ cosmovision as spiritual healing in cases of violence against indigenous women.

FIMI – Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas The Fourth World Conference on Women (1995, Beijing) was one of the first times that Indigenous women had the opportunity to articulate their identity internationally. Indigenous women from around the world gathered to adopt a declaration in which they articulated their concerns as women from an indigenous perspective. …

Creative Arts from the indigenous’ cosmovision as spiritual healing in cases of violence against indigenous women. Leer más »

Cultural conservation practices, in Indigenous peoples Miskito Ancestral Pueblo (Nicaragua) and the indigenous peoples of Tekoa Yma Guarani (Paraguay)

Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas (FAPI) Promote practical action to rehabilitate the rural landscape that allows the preservation of culture and ancestral roots of myths on Liwamairin Dujindo in the indigenous community of Krukira (Nicaragua) and Mbya Guarani indigenous ancestral territory (Paraguay). Nicaragua: 354 Indigenous Peoples’ members directly involved in the implementation …

Cultural conservation practices, in Indigenous peoples Miskito Ancestral Pueblo (Nicaragua) and the indigenous peoples of Tekoa Yma Guarani (Paraguay) Leer más »

Weaving innovation in guatemala through traditional ixil women cultural practices

ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j The purpose of this project is to strengthen the role of indigenous Ixil women as custodians of traditional knowledge, relationships, lands, traditional weavings, and art forms across generations. The project will be developed through 4 crucial strategies: intergenerational dialogue, capacity building, economic empowerment, and networking. The …

Weaving innovation in guatemala through traditional ixil women cultural practices Leer más »

Awaking the Potential of the Sleeping Dragon Community Center – Despertando las potencialidades del centro comunitario “El dragon dormido” en Santiago de Okola, Lago titicaca Bolivia.

ASITURSO- Asociación Integral de Turismo de Santiago de Okola Carry out a series of practical and inter-related workshops and events that will transform the Sleeping Dragon Community Center into a space for preserving cultural practices and engaging youth in celebration of their community’s past, present and future. In 2015, ASITURSO has been fully consolidated into …

Awaking the Potential of the Sleeping Dragon Community Center – Despertando las potencialidades del centro comunitario “El dragon dormido” en Santiago de Okola, Lago titicaca Bolivia. Leer más »