
Protecting the sacredness and richness of the forests of the Mandaya to strengthen traditional knowledge and enhance climate resilience

SILDAP Inc. SILDAP SE (Silingang Dapit sa Sidlakang Mindanao) is a Philippine partner of Tebtebba under the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Partnership on Climate Change, Forests and Sustainable Development, a partnership composed of 18 indigenous organizations and NGOs from 13 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. As partner, SILDAP is focused on implementation of indigenous …

Protecting the sacredness and richness of the forests of the Mandaya to strengthen traditional knowledge and enhance climate resilience Leer más »

Enhancing climate resiliency and strengthening food security through traditional knowledge

Trinamul Unnayan Sangstha(TUS) Trinamul Unnayan Sangstha (TUS) was established in 1997 by a group of social activists, with a vision of establishing “a society based on the values of justice, equity and freedom, where disadvantaged and marginalized people have full and effective participation in all stages of the development process”. From the beginning TUS have …

Enhancing climate resiliency and strengthening food security through traditional knowledge Leer más »

Strengthening and promotion of indigenous people’s arts, culture, and natural resource management practices

Centro Juventude Covalima (CJC) Centro Juventude Covalima (Covalima Youth Center/CYC) spinned off from the Circlo Studu Juventude (Youth Study Circle) established in early 2000. The organization was officially transformed as CYC in April 4, 2001 with support from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Child and Youth Development Program (CYDP). It was established representatively under …

Strengthening and promotion of indigenous people’s arts, culture, and natural resource management practices Leer más »

Preserving the ancestors’ grand cultural heritage in contemporary manners

Indigenous Youth Front (BPAN) The Archipelago Indigenous Youth Front or Barisan Pemuda Adat Nusantara (BPAN) is AMAN’s autonomous wing organization, established on January 29, 2012 and incorporating indigenous youth at the age of 17-35 from 7 regions in Indonesia (Papua, Kepulauan Maluku, Bali-Nusra, Sulawesi, Java, Kalimantan and Sumatera) who is committed to BPAN’s Statute. BPAN …

Preserving the ancestors’ grand cultural heritage in contemporary manners Leer más »

Nomadic school of creativity – Yazguur (roots, sources)

Initiative group of Buryat cultural practitioners Yazguur The initiative group Yazguur unites young enthusiasts, representatives of artistic Buryat youth, working on the core issues affecting not only Buryats, but also Indigenous Peoples all over the world: self-determination, cultural continuity and restoration, safeguarding of sacred landscapes and indigenous lands, teaching native languages and ancient ways of …

Nomadic school of creativity – Yazguur (roots, sources) Leer más »

Maintaining the cultural values and sacred site “pusuk buhit” of the Batak indigenous peoples in North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) The ultimate main site of The Batak indigenous peoples is the Pusuk Buhit in Sianjur Mula-mula located at the peak of the former volcanic Mount Toba with an altitude of 1800 metre above sea level, North Sumatera province. The Batak believe that the origin of Batak people came from here, …

Maintaining the cultural values and sacred site “pusuk buhit” of the Batak indigenous peoples in North Sumatera Province, Indonesia Leer más »

Indigenous knowledge in traditional handicrafts of indigenous women in Thailand

Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT) In particular indigenous women from four ethnic groups, namely Hmong, Mien, Lisu and Karen, in Thailand will document their indigenous knowledge on handicrafts (weaving and embroidery) that will be published; will undertake training on enhancing their skills on handicraft production and marketing, form their cooperatives and will be assisted …

Indigenous knowledge in traditional handicrafts of indigenous women in Thailand Leer más »

Indigenous conservation of sacred sites: places, people and practices of spirit and ceremony

The Registered Trustees of PACOS Trust To acknowledge and support the indigenous communities of Kinabalu, Sabah and other sacred places around the Pacific Rim in their traditional roles as original caretakers through the remembering and renewal of sacred practices and ceremony. PACOS TRUST is a community-based organization (CBO) dedicated towards supporting indigenous communities in Sabah …

Indigenous conservation of sacred sites: places, people and practices of spirit and ceremony Leer más »

Promotion of traditional knowledge and cultural practices for sustainable management of forest and natural resources through community-based monitoring and information system (cbmis)

Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED) Empower Dura communities to continuously struggle for securing their rights over their resources and recognition of their role and contributions for the sustainable forest, land , natural resource management and traditional livelihoods, which can be benefitted by other indigenous communities, who have been contributing for the preservation …

Promotion of traditional knowledge and cultural practices for sustainable management of forest and natural resources through community-based monitoring and information system (cbmis) Leer más »

Indigenous peoples learning center for the transmission of indigenous knowledge and values formation among indigenous youth in Asia

Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN) Provide space where indigenous elders, women and youth in Asia can meet to transmit indigenous knowledge, exchange experiences and lessons, including a learning exchange-immersion program for Asia indigenous youth in indigenous communities in the Cordillera, Philippines. Raised the capacities and commitments of 106 indigenous youth from 11 countries and …

Indigenous peoples learning center for the transmission of indigenous knowledge and values formation among indigenous youth in Asia Leer más »