
North Saami Place Names in Unjárga

Veahčaknjárga Fishing Cooperative Background and objective  In recent time, there has been a language shift from Saami to Norwegian due to a long history of Norwegianization. This has resulted in Saami names for certain places to disappear from daily use and instead be replaced by Norwegian translations or Norwegianized versions of the Saami name. In …

North Saami Place Names in Unjárga Leer más »

Customary land use of Saami in Deatnu water basin in Finland

Veahčaknjárga Fishing Cooperative Background and objective Salmon fishing in Deatnu has been regulated through bilateral agreements since 1873. In November 2011, Finland and Norway started renegotiating the Deatnu (Tana/Teno) Agreement and approved a new one in early 2017, despite public protests against it from Saami and local people from both sides of the river. There …

Customary land use of Saami in Deatnu water basin in Finland Leer más »