
Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District

Engaruka Community Initiative Organization(ENCO) The proposed initiative aims at increasing capacity of local indigenous Maasai communities to adapt to the adverse effects of Climate Change and contextually to contribute to poverty reduction in rural areas. The Initiative seeks to protect and improve access to ecosystem services, to develop the economic structure of the pastoral communities …

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District Leer más »

Emergency support to Ewe Tribal People in the Volta Region

Volta Young Farmers Association (VYFA) Within the Kpenoe and surrounding communities, it is the increasing prevalence of teenage pregnancy, exacerbated by COVID-19, that continues to worry the community. Schools were closed for about a year due to COVID restrictions, over this period some of these young girls became pregnant and now that schools have reopened, …

Emergency support to Ewe Tribal People in the Volta Region Leer más »

Emergency Support to 6 communities in Kenya

Slow Food Convivia Association of Kenya The initiative targets 6 Indigenous communities (Maasai, Endorois,Sengwer, Gabbra, Rendile and Borana) with tailored actions that specifically address the needs assessed during the initiative planning. The targeted communities belong to the Indigenous Terra Madre (ITM) network:a network of indigenous communities, partners and organizations that brings indigenous peoples’ voices to …

Emergency Support to 6 communities in Kenya Leer más »

Community sensitization and livelihood support towards fighting COVID 19 GLOBAL Pandemic

Ardha Jabesa Foundation This initiative aims to sensitize Community against COVID 19 which is becoming global pandemic. Enhanced collaboration with COVID 19 Wards response team. Enhanced public awareness on COVID19 pandemic in Kinna and Garbatulla ward Vulnerable groups in the Community identified Preventive equipments and foods stuffs availed to support vulnerable groups in the society …

Community sensitization and livelihood support towards fighting COVID 19 GLOBAL Pandemic Leer más »

Emergency Support to Bambote Indigenous People in Ituri

ALLIANCE NATIONALE D’APPUI ET DE PROMOTION DES AIRES ET TERRITOIRES DU PATRIMOINE AUTOCHTONE ET COMMUNAUTAIRE (ANAPAC RDC) This initiative intends to provide medical care to 261 households; Purchase and distribution of plastic sheeting for the shelters of 261 displaced households; Purchase and distribution of food and non-food to 261 households; Organize a mission to ensure …

Emergency Support to Bambote Indigenous People in Ituri Leer más »

Emergency Support Kajiado Central Sub – County

Il’laramatak Community Concerns (ICC) The initiative aims to hold vernacular radio talk shows in three radio stations to sensitize about the second wave of the disease. We intend to grow indigenous, traditional food in our own community, managed by the community members themselves. Facilitation and the harvest will be shared out among the most vulnerable …

Emergency Support Kajiado Central Sub – County Leer más »

Emergency Support Borana, Garri, Gabbra, Sakuyye, Waata (Waayu) communities.

Kivulini Trust This initiative aims aims to avert hunger and malnutrition through improvement of food security. This will be achieved through local food production using the waters of the Ewaso Ng’iro river to irrigate community group owned small farms. Masks and modified bucket with tap will be distributed for sanitization use. In addition, a bar …

Emergency Support Borana, Garri, Gabbra, Sakuyye, Waata (Waayu) communities. Leer más »

Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Réseau des Populations Autochtones et Locales pour la gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique centrale (REPALEAC) Purchase and distribute 5.000 facemasks to 5000 Indigenous peoples. Installation of handwashing buckets of 30 liters in Indigenous people’s communities. Organize 20 Indigenous people’s community leaders into small groups to monitor and document the impacts and challenges to indigenous …

Emergency Support re: Covid 19 Leer más »