
Promoting mother tongue, identity, and solidarity to protect indigenous peoples’ territories, resource rights, and social harmony through inter-generational alliance and action, Kenya

Kivulini Trust The initiative aims to enhance the learning and role of children and youth in understanding and protecting their culture, indigenous territories, sacred sites, and spirituality to promote identity and self-determined development. Pastoralist communities in Isiolo County are impacted by the ongoing mega projects, including expansive encroachment by farmers and conservancies on their environment …

Promoting mother tongue, identity, and solidarity to protect indigenous peoples’ territories, resource rights, and social harmony through inter-generational alliance and action, Kenya Leer más »

Promotion and revitalization of the indigenous Fulani language in urban areas through informal education based on the contribution of pupils and students from the indigenous community of the communes of Bémbèrèkè, Kalalé, and Gogounou in northern Benin

ONG EN PINE The initiative aims to revitalize the indigenous Fulani language in urban areas. It has been noted that the Fulani youth are abandoning their language once they have advanced in school or have been promoted to a job. Indigenous languages are critical not just for communication but also for the perpetuation and preservation …

Promotion and revitalization of the indigenous Fulani language in urban areas through informal education based on the contribution of pupils and students from the indigenous community of the communes of Bémbèrèkè, Kalalé, and Gogounou in northern Benin Leer más »


Fulbe Development & Cultural Organization FUDECO The initiative aims to restore the environment by planting desert-resistant economic trees, providing communities with small ruminant animals (sheep and goats) and chickens, and helping them restart small-scale farming. The ruminants will be part of the Pass on the Gift scheme, where the firstborn of the animal is passed …


Upscaling the existing Project Phase with inclusion on developing indicators and monitoring to combat extinction dormancy of Traditional Knowledge

Indigenous Information Network(IIN) The initiative aims to revitalize indigenous knowledge and facilitate its transmission from the older generation to the young while combatting possible extinction and dormancy. To contribute to revitalizing and perpetuating the traditional knowledge, including language and practices, for four indigenous communities in Kenya and Tanzania through creating awareness of the loss of …

Upscaling the existing Project Phase with inclusion on developing indicators and monitoring to combat extinction dormancy of Traditional Knowledge Leer más »

Climate Resilience; Beadwork for Economy Recovery and Learning “Menyanyuk Osiligi O Pala”

Manyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization (MPIDO) This initiative aims to design a two-year economic recovery and rebuilding strategy after a prolonged drought in East Africa that will provide a sustainable source of livelihood for the indigenous women and consequently empower them socially and economically. It will also address the underlying causes of vulnerability to strengthen …

Climate Resilience; Beadwork for Economy Recovery and Learning “Menyanyuk Osiligi O Pala” Leer más »

Emergency response to build resilience post-COVID

Kopito Women Group The Maasai Indigenous communities are highly dependent on natural resources, and their main livelihood, pastoralism, is threatened due to a prolonged drought season, which has caused an inability to sustain themselves entirely through livestock keeping. In addition, because of population pressure, there has been an increased subdivision of land, leaving no or …

Emergency response to build resilience post-COVID Leer más »

Emergency response to drought

Labata Fantalle Organization (LaFO) The Karrayyu Indigenous people rely on pastoralism, directly connected with rain and other natural resources. However, this traditional system is challenged by the dwindling pastureland, recurrent drought, and depletion of natural resources. As a result, this system has been curtailed and can no longer function adequately due to a lack of …

Emergency response to drought Leer más »

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya

Rupa Farmers Self-Help Group Pastoral communities in Northern Kenya have lost much of the livestock they rely upon for nourishment and livelihood because of the prolonged drought in the Eastern Africa Region. As a result, many are now turning to farming as an alternative source of livelihood. This initiative will support the Oromo indigenous community …

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya Leer más »

Marta, Garda, and Maale indigenous peoples of southern nations, nationalities, regional state (SNNPR) famine emergency

Livelihoods Solutions International (LSI) Marta, Garda, and Maale Indigenous Peoples IPs have been experiencing unprecedented hardship caused by three consecutive years of drought. Of the three groups, the Maale communities have been hit hardest by the drought. LSI proposes to deliver emergency cash to these two Maale communities to buy food to reinforce their resilience …

Marta, Garda, and Maale indigenous peoples of southern nations, nationalities, regional state (SNNPR) famine emergency Leer más »

“ⴰⵥⵔⴼ ⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⴴⵜ” The right of Tamazight language is the right to land, cultural heritage, and economic well-being.

Amazigh Girls Matters (AGM) The initiative proposes to translate the content of the website using the Tamazight language to increase civic education and indigenous knowledge among girls in rural areas and by strengthening the technological capacity of Amazigh girls in rural areas through teaching digital skills and creating a common platform for civil societies …

“ⴰⵥⵔⴼ ⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⴴⵜ” The right of Tamazight language is the right to land, cultural heritage, and economic well-being. Leer más »