
Sustaining resilient ecosystem and protecting cultural integrity through building adaptive governance systems and vibrant inter-generational alliance.

Local Partner: Gabbra Community Background and objective: The project aims to strengthen the Gabbra traditional governance systems, bio-cultural heritage, social cohesion and intergenerational knowledge transmission through innovation, co- learning, networking and collaboration among the Gabbra and with other communities in the rangelands of Northern Kenya .                   …

Sustaining resilient ecosystem and protecting cultural integrity through building adaptive governance systems and vibrant inter-generational alliance. Leer más »

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya.

Local Partner: Rupa Farmers Self Help Group Background and  objective:  As a follow up project on food security, the proposed initiative aims to identify and bring together local farmers (men and women) in Merti region of Isiolo County, Northern Kenya by supporting modern and traditional farming initiatives and techniques in order to strengthen food security, …

Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya. Leer más »

Projet d’Appui pour un Développement local Durable et Inclusif II (PADDI II) à mener à Ambohimahavony, Commune rurale d’Arivonimamo II, District Arivonimamo – Région Itasy

Local Partner: Association Miarintsoa Background and  objective:  This is a project for sustainable and inclusive development and responds to the demand expressed by local communities to improve their living standards. The project will promote equity, reciprocity and solidarity among community members, including economic autonomy and participation. The project is initially developed in response to the …

Projet d’Appui pour un Développement local Durable et Inclusif II (PADDI II) à mener à Ambohimahavony, Commune rurale d’Arivonimamo II, District Arivonimamo – Région Itasy Leer más »