Local Partners

Land rights advocacy for Maasai in Ngorongoro

Pastoralists Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations PINGOs The initiative sought to support the capacity strengthening and advocacy of Maasai communities in Ngorongoro, Tanzania, currently facing the threat of eviction from their territory in the name of conservation through fact-finding missions, documentation, capacity building, and advocacy to influence policies processes for the recognition and protection of the rights …

Land rights advocacy for Maasai in Ngorongoro Leer más »

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District

Engaruka Community Initiative Organization (ENCO) The initiative sought to protect and improve access to ecosystem services, strengthen the economic structure of the pastoral communities, and spread the knowledge of solutions that local Maasai communities have to adopt in the face of Climate Change—an integrated approach to sustainable management of ecosystem services in land, forestry, and …

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District Leer más »

Empowering Tribal Educators: Curriculum Development Workshops

Redbud Resource Group Redbud Resource Group will provide lesson design, planning, and teacher training workshops to California Tribes who seek to decolonize education, increase Tribal representation in schools, and correct harmful narratives about Native people in the K-12 setting. Our workshop and support services will result in the creation of 10-20 elementary lessons that are …

Empowering Tribal Educators: Curriculum Development Workshops Leer más »

Brave Heart Educational Video Series

The Brave Heart Society The Brave Heart Society (BHS) is applying to produce a series of short videos spotlighting Indigenous voices with a focus on intergenerational organizing efforts. These stories are vital to preserving cultural heritage and the reconnection to traditional ecological and cultural knowledge and wisdom. These narratives will offer invaluable lessons for current …

Brave Heart Educational Video Series Leer más »

A Community Vision for Rematriating Felix Cove

Alliance for Felix Cove, Movement Strategy Center Our goal is to rematriate Felix Cove–a Coast Miwok/Támal-ko ancestral homeland that now stands alone and vandalized on public lands. This project would begin a rematriation (stewardship) plan to return Felix Cove to the Indigenous care of our community and future generations. We plan to host a gathering …

A Community Vision for Rematriating Felix Cove Leer más »


Native American Land Conservancy(NALC) NALC has a mission to acquire, preserve, and protect our sacred lands. As such, we primarilyacquire and steward lands sacred to the Indigenous peoples of the United States. This project willprovide the Conservancy with operational support to ensure we are able to steward two new preserves we acquired in the past …

Wayfinder Leer más »

Apache Moccasin Making

Morning Star Leaders San Carlos Apache Youth Moccasin Making Workshops Traditional oral and experiential transmission of Apache moccasin making to San Carlos Apache high school age youth by master instructors at no cost to participants. All materials, supplies and meals are provided for participants at no cost for two, four day workshops held in Winter …

Apache Moccasin Making Leer más »

Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) Language Revitalization through educational development

Hipéexnu’ kíi’u núun wisíix We created a dozen of Nez Perce oral stories into language lessons and those are relatable to day-to-day activities. Similar to history because it is related to the land, culture, and people and so, there are many parts of this healing process and putting the lessons back into our language is …

Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) Language Revitalization through educational development Leer más »

Strengthening the Malocão Policy through the Experience of Indigenous Peoples

CIR- Conselho Indígena de Roraima (CIR) Este projeto pretende fomentar a cultura dos povos indígenas de Roraima, com o fortalecimento e organização da sua juventude em diálogo com os mais velhos, criando espaços para o aprofundamento e repasse das diferentes manifestações culturais, como forma de enraizamento nos territórios e mecanismo de defesa de espaços de …

Strengthening the Malocão Policy through the Experience of Indigenous Peoples Leer más »

Apoyar a las familias indígenas Mayangna de la comunidad de Wilu afectadas por la tragedia de quema de sus viviendas y asesinadas por los colonos en la comunidad de Wilu del territorio Sauni As, municipio de Bonanza.

Tierra Nativa The Busuréliami vision came to Martin Chavez, in 1994. He received the name, “Makawi” (the Dove), and a sacred mission to inspire salvation of Ralámuli culture. The overarching goal of the Busureliami Program is to revitalize the guidance of Nawésari, the ancestral knowledge to sustain harmony within self, community and Nature. The first …

Apoyar a las familias indígenas Mayangna de la comunidad de Wilu afectadas por la tragedia de quema de sus viviendas y asesinadas por los colonos en la comunidad de Wilu del territorio Sauni As, municipio de Bonanza. Leer más »