Local Partners

Call of Time (Oydin nekeltezi)

Alyp Initiative Group Background and objective In 1998, the Tengri School of Spiritual Ecology established the Uch-Enmek Karakol Ethno-Nature Park to preserve, protect, and develop the natural and cultural space of the sacred valley. The establishment of the park was a necessary step, given that Russian law has no other category of land use that …

Call of Time (Oydin nekeltezi) Leer más »

Strengthening indigenous institutions for leadership and self-determination

Cordillera Elders Alliance (CEA) Background and objective Traditional elders are dynamic leaders of the indigenous peoples of the Cordillera region who sustain indigenous institutions, protect cultural heritage and promote the sustainable use and management of resources. They are good practice models in all aspects of socio-economic and cultural life of their tribes — symbols and …

Strengthening indigenous institutions for leadership and self-determination Leer más »

Workshop on “Follow up on Review Process of Chin Customary Law (Chin Acts)

Chin Human Rights Organization Background and objective In line with the recognition and promotion of Chin traditional customs and culture, the Chin Act was enacted based on the Chin Hills Regulation (1896) along with the independence of Burma in 1948. This Act covers inheritance rule and environmental conservation related guidelines such as rivers, streams, wildlife …

Workshop on “Follow up on Review Process of Chin Customary Law (Chin Acts) Leer más »

Governance model in the administration of traditional justice on nicaragua’s caribbean coast

Wangki Tangni Indigenous Women’s Movement Background and objective In the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua there is model of governance in which the wihtas or communal judges are the administrators of justice in neighborhoods and communities through the use traditional laws. They promote the restoration of order through mechanisms that are strictly communitarian, traditional and …

Governance model in the administration of traditional justice on nicaragua’s caribbean coast Leer más »

Strategic dialogue on governance and indigenous people

Background and objective Governmental decision makers need to have adequate information on practices, ancestral values and traditional knowledge to be used as efficient governance tools that can be added to their own management techniques and thus strengthen the intercultural governance framework. In this process, it is essential to identify the ancestral values in the indigenous …

Strategic dialogue on governance and indigenous people Leer más »

Yilmixwm knowledge of Tmixw: chiefs knowledge of Lands life force

En’owkin Centre, (Okanagan Indian Educational Resources Society). Background and objective Nsyilxcn adult language revitalization is a vital aspect of the work of the Okanagan Syilx people through research associated with the En’owkin Centre (an Adult Higher Learning Centre) and their Post Secondary partner, the University of British Columbia Okanagan, (UBCO) in collaboration with UBCO’s Institute …

Yilmixwm knowledge of Tmixw: chiefs knowledge of Lands life force Leer más »

Ngāti Porou Taiao Hub

He Oranga Mo Nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust Background and objective  In 2015 our tribal authority, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou became joint consent authorities over our land and waterways with local government – Gisborne District Council. The Joint Management Agreement (JMA) was a historic achievement and required the people of Ngati Porou to work …

Ngāti Porou Taiao Hub Leer más »

Strengthening the Customary Institution of iban Sebaruk indigenous peoples for realizing an effective and credible customary law system in sanggau district, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

Institut Dayakologi Background and objective Institut Dayakologi seek to strengthen customary institutions and law in the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration, located in Sanggau District on the border between Indonesia and Malaysia. The main problem is that the credibility of the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration Institution as the authority in charge of upholding customary law and …

Strengthening the Customary Institution of iban Sebaruk indigenous peoples for realizing an effective and credible customary law system in sanggau district, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Leer más »

The Menominee path to climate resiliency is found within the Menominee language

Collage of Menominee Nation The College of Menominee Nation’s Sustainable Development Institute and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin’s Language Immersion Program will obtain guidance on how to revitalize the Menominee language in support of a larger Tribal effort to establish a charter immersion school to be run by Omaeqnomenewak (“People of the Wild Rice”) …

The Menominee path to climate resiliency is found within the Menominee language Leer más »

Climate change research on the Basis of indigenous historical and cultural monuments in Greater Altai

Scientific Research Laboratory for Ethnoculturological and Ecological Research at Altai State Technical University The Altai Mountains transboundary region (Greater Altai) is a mountainous region located in the very center of Eurasia and connects four countries: Russia, Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan. The Altai Mountains have significant glaciation (approximately 1,330 glaciers) containing up to 50 billion cubic …

Climate change research on the Basis of indigenous historical and cultural monuments in Greater Altai Leer más »