Recuperación Económica para la Seguridad Alimentaria de las organizaciones de Pueblos Indígenas en Panamá
Concejo Nacional Charrúa – CONACHA
The Cultural Conservancy (TCC
Local partner: Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ)
Volta Young Farmers Association (VYFA)
Local Partner: Association Miarintsoa Background and objective: This is a project for sustainable and inclusive development and responds to the demand expressed by local communities to improve their living standards. The project will promote equity, reciprocity and solidarity among community members, including economic autonomy and participation. The project is initially developed in response to the …
Аutonomous Non-commercial Organization “Center for the Study of Cultural Heritage” “Facilitating Sustainable Development of Peoples of the North” (SURNS)
“Doidusa Darkhan Vozrozhdenie Historical-ethnographic center” (Sakha-Yakutiya)