Supporting the practice of pilgrimage through the restoration of the burned sacred site and preparing pilgrims for public discussions

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC) The primary objective of this initiative is to restore the Archa Mazar sacred site that was set on fire and burned in the Spring of 2023 by members of the Islam faith, whose perspective is that worshipping trees and springs is considered “shirk” (associating partners with Allah) – the most …

Supporting the practice of pilgrimage through the restoration of the burned sacred site and preparing pilgrims for public discussions Leer más »

Establishing a regional group united by a common vision and purpose to develop the positive potential of traditional knowledge

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC) The primary objective of this initiative is to identify organisations and communities working on developing indigenous knowledge and practices in Central Asia to start forming a regional group united by a shared vision and goal to develop the positive potential of traditional knowledge. To provide a network of communities/organisations able …

Establishing a regional group united by a common vision and purpose to develop the positive potential of traditional knowledge Leer más »

Introducing “konur un” into the sound of the Kyrgyz orchestra (recreating the “melody of the petroglyphs”)

The Initiative Group “Konur un” The primary objective of this initiative is to research how to integrate konur un into the orchestra’s sound, reconstruct the komuz for practical use in the orchestra, train musicians and ultimately introduce konur un into the national orchestra. This initiative will be implemented by a group of musicians who seek …

Introducing “konur un” into the sound of the Kyrgyz orchestra (recreating the “melody of the petroglyphs”) Leer más »

Preserving Murdash Petroglyphs and Related Traditional Knowledge through Mapping and Digitalization, Kyrgyzstan

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC) The primary objective of this initiative is to ensure the preservation of the Murdash Bashy petroglyphs. The Murdash petroglyphs gained significant recognition in 2020 when they faced severe destruction. Due to nearby coal mining activities since 2020, this unique complex, known for its rare drawings, has been subjected to destructive …

Preserving Murdash Petroglyphs and Related Traditional Knowledge through Mapping and Digitalization, Kyrgyzstan Leer más »

Protection of San Communities Human Rights through Capacity Development and Empowerment in 6 Villages

San Youth Network (SYNet) The initiative seeks to support the San/Indigenous Communities of 6 villages in Ghanzi, Botswana, to build their confidence and ensure that they defend themselves on the issues of social injustice. To empower and amplify the voices of the San indigenous communities to articulate their issues in critical platforms.

Empowering lives, restoring hope for indigenous Mbororo Peoples.

Lelewal Foundation The initiative seeks to provide holistic support to individuals who have faced adversity through displacement and have experienced trauma, abuse, or other challenging life circumstances like cattle rustling and kidnapping for ransom payment by armed groups due to war caused by the “Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. To use the indigenous people’s principle of …

Empowering lives, restoring hope for indigenous Mbororo Peoples. Leer más »

Building climate change resilient communities

Pastoralists Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations PINGOs The initiative aims to strengthen community-based and collective-held knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, offering valuable insights and complementing scientific data on climate science and landscape-specific to enable Indigenous Peoples and the decision-making bodies to verify climate models and evaluate climate change scenarios at a much broader spatial and temporal scale. The …

Building climate change resilient communities Leer más »

Scaling up renewable energy as a means of combating climate change crisis among Ogiek of Mau Forest in Kenya

Ogiek Peoples Development Programme (OPDP) The initiative aims to increase clean energy and access to the Ogiek Community by providing renewable energy and mitigating climate change. To: a) Build the capacity of the Ogiek community on the use of renewable energies such as energy-saving jikos, biogas, briquettes, and solar systems; b) Provide support to 50 …

Scaling up renewable energy as a means of combating climate change crisis among Ogiek of Mau Forest in Kenya Leer más »