Papahana Puakahīnano: After-school series & Kaumaui Site Maintenance

HUI HO’OLEIMALUO The Papahana Puakahīnano Student Program is a series of opportunities facilitated by cultural experts of the community to build ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language), and cultural practitioners through ʻāina (land), wahi pana (significant places/sites), and ʻike Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian knowledge) hands-on experiences for students from East Hawaiʻi Hawaiian language and culture based schools in grades …

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I Mana Ka ʻŌlelo–Language Sovereignty

ʻAha Pūnana Leo cultural visit to New Zealand, to reconnect with elders and visionaries and to generate joint visions to establish priorities to ensure the continuity of Hawaiian language revitalization processes for the next 40 years. The activities and results will inform the future work of ¨APL as “Custodians of our own languages, to initiate …

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Pacific Community of Maawe Leadership

Pacific Indigenous Women’s Network This initiative aims to empower indigenous women across the Pacific, Indigenous women in the Pacific are the torchbearers of traditional knowledge, environmental stewardship, and the preservation of indigenous languages. By equipping indigenous women with essential skills and cultural insights, the initiative aims to preserve and advance maawe leaders to practice and …

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Returning to the “shaap’ root

Island Wisdom Traditional Seafaring This initiative aims to expand knowledge and skills of Micronesian traditional navigation apprentices, build capacity for our existing program, strengthen ties to the shaab (root) of our contemporary regional knowledge on the island of Polowat, and, expand our regional program network, accompanying 3 apprentices. By promoting collaboration between trainees from different …

Returning to the “shaap’ root Leer más »

I Mana Ka ʻŌlelo–Language Sovereignty

ʻAha Pūnana Leo This initiative has been created in conjunction with leaders of indigenous language communities in Hawai’i and Aotearoa (New Zealand). The proposal consists of a cultural visit to New Zealand, to reconnect with elders and visionaries and to generate joint visions to establish priorities to ensure the continuity of Hawaiian language revitalization processes …

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Healing Totem Pole

Native Conservancy The Initiative seeks to heal, recover and revive the habitat and cultural connections of four formerly warring tribes (Tlingit Chugach Eskimo, Aleut) who are going to participate with tribal members and youth in carving the Totem. To finally promote the revitalization of the Eyak language, place names, the revitalization of sacred sites through …

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Regaining duodji traditions and language in Várjjat

Nuorta-Finnmárku Duodjeinstituhtta Many Sami have lost their Sami identity, duodji (craftsmanship) competence and/or language due to the process of Norwegianization. Through duodji, individuals have the opportunity to recover their identity and pass it on to future generations. Work can have a positive impact because duodji is a cultural marker to reinforce or recover the lost …

Regaining duodji traditions and language in Várjjat Leer más »

Arctic Peoples’ Conference 2023

Innuit Circumpolar Council In July 2023 the 50th anniversary of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples Conference was celebrated, and during two days the achievements and successes of 50 years were evaluated and, vision for the next 50 years of Arctic Indigenous Peoples discussed. The main purpose of distributing publications about 50 years of work as ICC. …

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Creating Justice

Uksi Productions Sámi people have fished the Deatnu River for centuries as a livelihood and spiritual practice. However, Finnish government in 2016 imposed strict regulations that criminalized the traditional fishing practice. In 2017 three women and their children broke this government-imposed law to reclaim their traditional rights and turned themselves in, intending in this way …

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