Ngetngetä ngöghomnyo äsïl pö Pökõt” :Promoting traditional knowledge for community resilience in West Pokot County

Pastoral Communities Empowerment programe (PACEP) The initiative aims to create a more sustainable food system, resulting in healthier communities through traditional food and knowledge revitalization by (1) assessing the historical and existing traditional food systems within the Pokot community from production and land management through to consumption, with a particular emphasis on enablers of a …

Ngetngetä ngöghomnyo äsïl pö Pökõt” :Promoting traditional knowledge for community resilience in West Pokot County Leer más »

Projet de développement de l’apiculture pour la conservation de la biodiversité, la sécurité alimentaire et la génération de revenus pour le peuple Batwa du district de Rutsiro

OSEPCCA This project aimed to provide an innovative way for the Batwa to participate in protecting forest biodiversity and the Batwa way of life in the RUTSIRO district, KIGEYO sector, and BONEZA while improving their food security and income. The Batwa were expelled from their ancestral forest lands, limiting their participation in forest conservation and …

Projet de développement de l’apiculture pour la conservation de la biodiversité, la sécurité alimentaire et la génération de revenus pour le peuple Batwa du district de Rutsiro Leer más »

Grounding the work to document and transmit mother tongue in school

Center for Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Experiential Learning. (CCIKEL) The initiative aimed to sustain and amplify ongoing efforts to document, protect, promote, and transmit the mother tongue for the current and future generations. The purpose was to recruit and nurture a new generation of language speakers and support the process by making written materials available …

Grounding the work to document and transmit mother tongue in school Leer más »

Preserving Ogoni Indigenous Identity and Language

African Indigenous Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development (AIFES) Its objective is to improve public identification with the Ogoni language, culture, and customs to minimize the adverse effects of removing the Ogoni Mother Tongues and Immediate Community Tongue from the National Policy on Education and Retention of the English Language and three Major Nigerian Languages. …

Preserving Ogoni Indigenous Identity and Language Leer más »

Preservation of Traditional medicine in communities and traditional healing practices related to Covid-19 symptoms

Ardha Jabesa Foundation The initiative aimed to document and preserve traditional medicine and traditional healing practices by documenting the use and efficacy of the healing process, concerted campaigns to highlight the positive aspects of traditional medicine, conservation of specific endangered medicinal plants, creation of a platform that allows free exchange of ideas between practitioners of …

Preservation of Traditional medicine in communities and traditional healing practices related to Covid-19 symptoms Leer más »

Land rights advocacy for Maasai in Ngorongoro

Pastoralists Indigenous Non-Governmental Organizations PINGOs The initiative sought to support the capacity strengthening and advocacy of Maasai communities in Ngorongoro, Tanzania, currently facing the threat of eviction from their territory in the name of conservation through fact-finding missions, documentation, capacity building, and advocacy to influence policies processes for the recognition and protection of the rights …

Land rights advocacy for Maasai in Ngorongoro Leer más »

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District

Engaruka Community Initiative Organization (ENCO) The initiative sought to protect and improve access to ecosystem services, strengthen the economic structure of the pastoral communities, and spread the knowledge of solutions that local Maasai communities have to adopt in the face of Climate Change—an integrated approach to sustainable management of ecosystem services in land, forestry, and …

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Growth through Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Skills among the Maasai Communities in Monduli District Leer más »

Transmisión Intergeneracional de danzas y obras teatrales tradicionales del Pueblo indígena Miskitu en el Río Wangki (Niki Niki, Duhindu, Usus Mairin, )

Casa de Cultura Multiétnica de la Región Autónoma del Caribe Norte La iniciativa busca fortalecer espacios que promuevan la identidad cultural indígena miskitu, a través de la las expresiones culturales de rituales, leyendas y festividades tradicionales, mediante la creacion de espectáculos artísticos.

Articulación de las redes de turismo comunitario e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe

FILAC- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indigenas de America Latina y el Caribe El proyecto permitirá que a partir de tres organizaciones matrices RITA (México), RED TUSOCO (Bolivia), OMIUBP (Panamá) y en la gestión con otras organizaciones en la región como la red de turismo comunitario Pakariñan en Ecuador, o la red de …

Articulación de las redes de turismo comunitario e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe Leer más »

Juventudes Indígenas revitalizando las lenguas y las culturas en la ruta del Qhapaq Ñan

Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe (Juventud Indígena LAC) La iniciativa busca revitalizar las lenguas a partir de iniciativas culturales, principalmente musicales, llevadas adelante por las juventudes indígenas. Para ello se diseñará conjuntamente a la Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe, un pequeño fondo que permita financiar …

Juventudes Indígenas revitalizando las lenguas y las culturas en la ruta del Qhapaq Ñan Leer más »