Construction de la résilience des peoples autochtones face au terrorisme à travers la conservation des connaissances traditionnelles.

Femmes Pour la Dignite de Sahel(AFDS) The initiative aims to bring together young and adult indigenous Fulani women who have been displaced by terrorism so that they can pass on and perfect their traditional knowledge, particularly in the making of traditional beauty items and instruments, in order to market them and obtain income that will …

Construction de la résilience des peoples autochtones face au terrorisme à travers la conservation des connaissances traditionnelles. Leer más »

Enhancement of indigenous Batwa young mothers’ livelihoods through skills development for economic empowerment.

Action for Batwa Empowerment Group (ABEG) The initiative aims to provide training to young women in the following skills: garment cutting and tailoring, hair dressing, and craft making. After 8 months of training, ABEG will then provide equipment and material assistance for these women to start their own businesses, providing them with the ability to …

Enhancement of indigenous Batwa young mothers’ livelihoods through skills development for economic empowerment. Leer más »

Drawing on the past for an informed future.

The New Dawn Pacesetter (TNDP) “Drawing on the past for an informed future” is a continuation of “Strengthening of Indigenous Knowledge in prevention and treatment of Covid-19 and other dangerous diseases” initiative. The aim is to have a sustainable cultural transfer process through platforms where elders will teach the younger generations about our ancestral customs, …

Drawing on the past for an informed future. Leer más »

Mentoring youth in indigenous knowledge, traditional leadership skills, environmental custodianship and cultural survival

Lattu Lifespring This initiative champions the enhancement of cultural education for children and youth in order to help reinforce who they are and to be proud of their own culture and traditional knowledge systems. Such education will revitalize cultural practices, promote relationships among generations, ensure cultural transmission and combined with formal education, offer the child …

Mentoring youth in indigenous knowledge, traditional leadership skills, environmental custodianship and cultural survival Leer más »

Documenting and Digitizing Indigenous Pastoral Maasai Traditional knowledge on cultural Expressions and associated resources for posterity.

Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA) Initiative endeavors to document and digitize traditional knowledge, cultural expressions and associated resources of Pastoralists Maasai of Kenya with a focus of Narok County, Kenya.

Documenting and preserving the Maasai culture

South Rift Association of Land owners (SORALO) This Initiative will aim to document collect and preserve Maasai traditions both of material and non material culture at the Ologisalie Maasai cultural centre and promote a bianual gathering of the Maasai to celebrate their culture as a way to continue passing on their cultural practices to younger …

Documenting and preserving the Maasai culture Leer más »