Atención humanitaria para los pueblos indígenas de América Latina FASE II

FILAC- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe En general, con los recursos del proyecto se pretende trabajar al menos dos aspectos: Fortalecer la capacidad de las distintas organizaciones para dar respuesta a la Pandemia de COVID19. Brindar insumos a través de los cuales se atiendan las necesidades …

Atención humanitaria para los pueblos indígenas de América Latina FASE II Leer más »

Emergency Support re: Covid 19

FIMI – Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas Create awareness and information sharing on the Covid-19. Collaborate with and support indigenous peoples, using the media, with cultural relevance, to prevent, treat and control the spread of the virus in communities. Support a fluid communication between the authorities of the communities with the health system for on …

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Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Regional ethno-environmental community organization, Karakol Valley Council The initiative aims to acquire and distribute protective items and traditional plants (pine nuts, juniper), and conduct disinfection (bleach, etc.) for indigenous people in remote settlements and farms. Moreover, there is a need to educate indigenous people about getting and using traditional protections from virus-borne illnesses. We used …

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Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN) Distribution of Relief Goods (food, hygiene and sanitation items). Psychosocial Debriefing – Part of the distribution will be Psychosocial Debriefing in small groups. Production of COVID -19 Posters – Aside from information regarding the COVID-19, a poster will be distributed. Production of Literary Folio from the Psychosocial Debriefing, Visual …

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Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Tebtebba Foundation The aim of the initiative is to protect communities from COVID 19 by creating awareness on the COVID 19 and provision of protective materials against such masks, protective gears, medical gloves to health workers in the villages, sanitation and personal hygiene materials such as soap, etc.; Provide food assistance and other basic commodities, …

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Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) To assist and mobilize the country level Indigenous Peoples’ organizations and networks to provide regular updates on the situation. To provide food supplies to at least 1,000 vulnerable indigenous families. To provide medical and relevant protection equipment (Hand sanitizers, soaps, masks, alcohol. spray, etc) to vulnerable indigenous communities. To help …

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Emergency Support re: Covid 19

Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) The aim of the initiative is to ensure sufficient food availability and health care supplies. o organize the AMAN’s Covid-19 Emergency Response Unit Communication, Food, Lodging, Vitamins for AMAN’s National Office, Provincial and local branches. In East Barito – Central Kalimantan, this initiative support corn seed for 19 indigenous communities. …

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Emergency Support Kajiado Central Sub – County

Il’laramatak Community Concerns (ICC) The initiative aims to hold vernacular radio talk shows in three radio stations to sensitize about the second wave of the disease. We intend to grow indigenous, traditional food in our own community, managed by the community members themselves. Facilitation and the harvest will be shared out among the most vulnerable …

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