
Supporting traditional medicine production and use for indigenous peoples’ immune booster.

Local Partner: Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) Background and objective: Since June 2021, the AMANKanCovid19 team has reported death and positive cases among Indigenous Peoples in at least 13 districts and 10 Provinces, including in the remote area, small islands, and outer border of Indonesia (Upstream Mahakam Ulu River in East Kalimantan, Aru and Enggano …

Supporting traditional medicine production and use for indigenous peoples’ immune booster. Leer más »

RUK’ASLEM QACH’AB’ÄL / La vida de nuestro idioma

Local Partner: Asociación Moloj Mayab’ Tijonïk/Consejo Comunitario de Formación Maya –CEFORMA- The purpose of the project is to revitalize and teach the Kqchikel language as a second language to Mayan children in the municipality of San Juan Comalapa through the development of a didactic guide for the teaching of the Kaqchikel Mayan language and the …

RUK’ASLEM QACH’AB’ÄL / La vida de nuestro idioma Leer más »

Nuaulu Culture School

Local Partner: Yayasan Saniri Alifuru (Alifuru Council Foundation) Parents and traditional elders held the Hunahane Customary School to teach history, traditional dances and hand-woven Nuaulu rattan and bamboo and other things about Nuaulu. About their rights how to protect them and how to keep their culture and language to be live forever. So then the …

Nuaulu Culture School Leer más »