
RUK’ASLEM QACH’AB’ÄL / La vida de nuestro idioma

Local Partner: Asociación Moloj Mayab’ Tijonïk/Consejo Comunitario de Formación Maya –CEFORMA-

The purpose of the project is to revitalize and teach the Kqchikel language as a second language to Mayan children in the municipality of San Juan Comalapa through the development of a didactic guide for the teaching of the Kaqchikel Mayan language and the hiring of three teachers who will implement the course at the initial, intermediate and advanced levels to develop the linguistic skills of the new speakers of the language. 

Local Parther: In 2010 the Asociación Moloj Mayab’ Tijonïk/Consejo Comunitario de Formación Maya -CEFORMA- was created to give organizational and support support to the educational center, with the vision of “To have an organized and prosperous community of comalapa, responsible for its own development, with human quality and a high level of quality of life for its inhabitants, and its mission is “To train future citizens, men and women, the driving force behind the progress of the municipality, capable of influencing the configuration of a new society of Comalapa, the Mayan People and Plural Guatemala, diverse, united and responsible for their own political, economic and social development”. One of the strengths of the Language Program is the learning of the Kaqchikel language as a second language for children, which is carried out through technical instruments that allow the progressive measurement of learning during the school year. For this reason, the need to create its own methodological guide, based on the accumulation of experience, has become apparent.

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