Mes: julio 2024

Nomadic Nature Trunk (NNT)

Land of Snow Leopard Network (LOSL) The NNT program is an award-winning conservation initiative established by one of the LOSL’s members in Mongolia. Each trunk contains a portable, conservation education curriculum consisting of 15-20 highly interactive game-based lessons covering such topics as native biodiversity, habitats, and human-wildlife conflict. LOSL is committed to decolonizing mainstream conservation …

Nomadic Nature Trunk (NNT) Leer más »

Documenting and Promoting Traditional Medical Knowledge and Skills: Midwives as Bearers of Centuries-Old Health-related Traditions

Public Association “Miralina” The initiative aims to document this traditional medical knowledge and promote its use across the country. The information collected during this documentation eefort will be used to update the section on “Traditional Medicine” in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Kyrgyz

Documenting the Petroglyphs of Ak-Bulun (Ak-Suisky District, Issyk-Kulsky Oblast, Kyrgyzstan).

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC) In order to document, interpret, and transfer the traditional knowledge imprinted on the Ak-Bulun petroglyphs, Aigine Center will hold training seminars for students, work with students to certify the Ak-Bulun petroglyphs, create an online map, an information stand, and enter the complex into the state register.

Atención humanitaria para los pueblos indígenas de América Latina FASE II

FILAC- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe En general, con los recursos del proyecto se pretende trabajar al menos dos aspectos: Fortalecer la capacidad de las distintas organizaciones para dar respuesta a la Pandemia de COVID19. Brindar insumos a través de los cuales se atiendan las necesidades …

Atención humanitaria para los pueblos indígenas de América Latina FASE II Leer más »

Emergency Support re: Covid 19

FIMI – Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas Create awareness and information sharing on the Covid-19. Collaborate with and support indigenous peoples, using the media, with cultural relevance, to prevent, treat and control the spread of the virus in communities. Support a fluid communication between the authorities of the communities with the health system for on …

Emergency Support re: Covid 19 Leer más »

Economic Development with Identity: Strengthening of traditional knowledge for resilience based on tourism in two ecological environment in Bolivia: Andean and Amazonian

Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas (FAPI) Fortalecer la comunicación rural indígena y el periodismo alternativo orientado a promover el desarrollo propio de los Pueblos Indígenas de Paraguay, desde el enfoque de derechos, el diálogo intercultural y la participación democrática. A partir de los espacios de capacitación teórica y práctica, se han fortalecido …

Economic Development with Identity: Strengthening of traditional knowledge for resilience based on tourism in two ecological environment in Bolivia: Andean and Amazonian Leer más »