Mes: noviembre 2021

Promotion and protection of endangered Pang and Ralte languages

Zo Indigenous Forum Background and objective Over the centuries, people have developed ways of transmitting knowledge from generation to generation based on oral tradition and written texts/literature. As a result, it is now possible to track and explore distant history, as well as the history of languages and cultures. One exception was the sound of …

Promotion and protection of endangered Pang and Ralte languages Leer más »

Developing writing system of 5 endangered indigenous languages of Nepal

National Indigenous Women’s Federation (NIWF) Background and objective  The indigenous peoples of Nepal make up approximately 39% of the total population and speak more than 123 indigenous languages. Language is very important to indigenous peoples’ identities, diverse cultures and wellbeing. Very few indigenous languages have some sort of written form, and many are vulnerable to …

Developing writing system of 5 endangered indigenous languages of Nepal Leer más »

International seminar on language revitalization in Latin America

PROEIB – Bilingual Intercultural Education Program, Andes Background and objective  In Latin America, Spanish and Portuguese have displaced indigenous languages as part of different colonization processes. The claims of indigenous peoples’ rights over their languages has made progress in legislation. At least 17 countries in the region have approved legislation recognizing indigenous languages and bilingual …

International seminar on language revitalization in Latin America Leer más »

International campaign on indigenous languages

NOTIMIA Agencia de noticias de mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes Background and objective Many of indigenous peoples do not speak their languages because of an accelerated loss of their identity due to different historical, political, economic and social reasons. Indigenous languages are not only channels of communication, but are central to identity and the continuation of …

International campaign on indigenous languages Leer más »

Breath of life/building indigenous leadership

Background and objective The Native peoples of California are one of the most linguistically diverse in the world. However, since contact they have experienced multiple waves of violent colonization, including state-sanctioned genocide, which led to extreme language loss. When the Advocates began their work in 1992, there were approximately 50 tribes who had fluent speakers …

Breath of life/building indigenous leadership Leer más »

Investigations for multi-media interactive indigenous portal

Palikū Documentary Films Background and objective For indigenous story tellers, there is wealth of stories, traditional knowledge, current news, information, and amazing “content” about indigenous peoples that needs to be told by indigenous peoples and shared with a broad audience and a variety of stakeholders. Palikū Documentary Film’s (PDF), along with key partners in Hawaiʻi, …

Investigations for multi-media interactive indigenous portal Leer más »

Research and advocacy on: indigenous languages, concepts and values on sustainability

SILDAP Inc. Background and objective There is a crucial need to conduct research and documentation on the vitality and practice of indigenous languages, concepts, and values of collectivity, reciprocity, cooperation, solidarity, among others that relate to sustainability and how these are transmitted to the next generations. Indigenous languages are part of indigenous peoples’ knowledge systems …

Research and advocacy on: indigenous languages, concepts and values on sustainability Leer más »

Indigenous media as a means for inter-generational communication

Background and objective When indigenous peoples establish and manage their own media, communities bridge an inter-generational communication gap, which further contributes to the struggle of their rights. This project aims to exercise Article 16 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which declares that indigenous peoples have the right to have …

Indigenous media as a means for inter-generational communication Leer más »

Indigenous knowledge in traditional handicrafts of indigenous women in Thailand

Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT) Background and objective Although indigenous peoples cultures and ways of life are promoted by the Thai government for tourism purposes, indigenous peoples traditional knowledge has never been truly recognized and valued. Likewise, young indigenous children and youth are all encouraged to go to Thai school, learn the Thai language …

Indigenous knowledge in traditional handicrafts of indigenous women in Thailand Leer más »