Mes: abril 2019

When Indigenous Languages Are Threatened So Are Indigenous Peoples

INTRODUCTION Indigenous peoples make up less than 6% of the global population, yet they speak more than 4,000 of the world’s almost 7,000 languages. There are dire predictions that up to 95 percent of the world’s languages may become extinct. Seriously endangered indigenous languages constitute the majority of these. The persistence of indigenous languages is …

When Indigenous Languages Are Threatened So Are Indigenous Peoples Leer más »

International Learning Exchange on “Traditional Seeds, Food and Agro-Ecology”

The International Learning Exchange on “Traditional Seeds, Food and Agro-Ecology” was held in Cambodia on October 20 – 27th, 2018. “To have this exchange all of our partners from different countries coming together to share, not only to share about our seeds, our food security but also to strengthen our relations, our solidarity as peoples,” …

International Learning Exchange on “Traditional Seeds, Food and Agro-Ecology” Leer más »

Kivulini trust centres for culture, indigenous knowledge and experiential learning in northern kenya

The Place for Culture Based Experiential Learning The mainstream education system has reduced home-based transmission of indigenous knowledge and instead promoted the process of assimilation of indigenous children into mainstream alien lifestyle. The experiential learning of cultural practices and skills are about practical learning by young people on culture through participation and training by elders. …

Kivulini trust centres for culture, indigenous knowledge and experiential learning in northern kenya Leer más »

The Iban Sebaruk Indigenous Peoples Strengthen their Customary Institutions

In Sanggau District, West Kalimantan Province in Indonesia, more than 6,000 indigenous Iban Sebaruk people were involved in Institut Dayakologi’s project of strengthening their customary institution for an effective and credible customary law system. They began with an assessment of the Iban Sebaruk Customary Administration as the highest legal authority and the indigenous territories under …

The Iban Sebaruk Indigenous Peoples Strengthen their Customary Institutions Leer más »