
Young indigenous seedlings of traditional knowledge and promoters of their own food systems

LOCAL PARTNER: Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe (Juventud Indígena LAC)

The general objective is the revitalization of traditional food systems through the systematization, promotion, and dissemination of ten innovative initiatives led by indigenous youth of Latin America. It will be carried out in three phases: 1) a local and national campaign in 10 countries through digital and local media; 2) selection of ten innovative initiatives on traditional food systems promoted by indigenous youth, which will be systematized in a digital magazine and 3-minute videos disseminated on social networks, media, and advocacy spaces; and 3) workshops in three countries (Mexico, Costa Rica and Colombia) ensuring geographical distribution, in which the 10 initiatives will be presented and shared, highlighting the importance of the preserving and transmitting traditional knowledge on food security and sovereignty.

Se instaló un huerto comunitario desarrollado por jóvenes indígenas migrantes en Valle de Chalco. Se realizaron campañas de prevención sobre el covid 19 en lenguas indígenas como el Aymara, Zapoteco, Mixe, Mixteco y Poqomam en México, Guatemala y Bolivia, a través de medios impresos, digitales y radios comunitarias. Se cuenta con un mural en la zona de Palin, Escuintla, elaborado por los propios jóvenes indígenas de la zona, donde fomentan la cultura y lengua Poqoman.Se apoyaron a familias Zapotecas, Mixes, Mixtecas (migrantes), Aymaras y Poqomam, con despensas y material de Bioseguridad en el momento mas critico del covid-19.

Local Partner:

The network of indigenous youth in Latin America and the Caribbean is comprised of indigenous youth from various indigenous tribes from 10 countries in Latin America. They participate in various local organizational processes within their communities and national organizations. REDLAC was founded in 2010 and aims to share local and national processes fostering the unity of indigenous youth and indigenous children, as well as knowledge and enjoyment of fundamental human rights for a dignified life. Our mission is to be a network of indigenous youth from Latin America that contributes to unity, strengthening, and highlighting decision-making processes that affect us in our communities, regions, and country.

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