
Revitalization of Traditional Indigenous Medicine in the indigenous peoples of Monimbó, Nancimí of the Department of Masaya and the indigenous Miskitus of the North Caribbean

Grant name: Revitalization of Traditional Indigenous Medicine in the indigenous peoples of Monimbó, Nancimí of the Department of Masaya and the indigenous Miskitus of the North Caribbean

Local partner: APRODIN (Association of Promoters and Defender of Indigenous Rights of Nicaragua)

Country: Nicaragua (Masaya Department)

Background and objective

Traditional medicine represents an important response option to the health care needs of indigenous peoples in different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, despite its subordinate presence and, occasionally, situation of illegality. Throughout history, there has been great resistance from civil society and health professionals to truly understand indigenous cultures. The vast majority of health programs have tried to indiscriminately promote changes in the behavior and lives of indigenous peoples, as part of proposals to improve their health, resulting in the loss of traditional knowledge on natural medicine and its transmission to new generations.


The main objective of the project is to recover the knowledge of traditional doctors, through training courses (learning-by-doing methodologies) and exchanges of experiences that help to improve their relationship between the health personnel and indigenous communities of the Department of Masaya and the Autonomous Region of the Northern Caribbean. In addition, the project seeks to promote a process of communication and research on ancestral traditional medicine that contributes to its promotion and rescue. 

22 médicos tradicionales de la Costa Caribe Norte; 41 especialistas del entendimiento ancestral de Monimbó y Nancimí; 6 personal de salud, han fortalecido sus conocimientos en medicina tradicional a través del intercambio. Difusión de buenas prácticas de medicina ancestral tradicional a través de plataformas virtuales de CADPI y APRODIN, (páginas web, Facebook. Se han elaborado dos videos documentales de buenas prácticas de la medicina tradicional por médicos tradicionales del Caribe Norte. Sistematización de 8 historias de vidas de médicos tradicionales más reconocidos dónde se refleja a través de ellos el sistema de salud indígena, la transmisión de saberes, los dones de sanación y su aporte a la salud.

Local partner information

The Association of Promoters and Defenders of Indigenous Rights of Nicaragua (APRODIN) was created in 1999. APRODIN is made up of leaders who exercise the role of formal and traditional authorities, as well as women and young people from 22 indigenous peoples of the pacific, central and northern regions of the Chorotega, Xiu, Matagalpas and Nahoas. APRODIN works on development processes with identity and on strengthening the autonomy of indigenous peoples.

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