
Research and advocacy on: indigenous languages, concepts and values on sustainability


Background and objective

There is a crucial need to conduct research and documentation on the vitality and practice of indigenous languages, concepts, and values of collectivity, reciprocity, cooperation, solidarity, among others that relate to sustainability and how these are transmitted to the next generations. Indigenous languages are part of indigenous peoples’ knowledge systems on the sustainable use, control and management of lands, territories, and resources. The strengthening of indigenous languages is also part of the implementation of indigenous peoples sustainable and self-determined development, and the achievement of the broader sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The project will document the status and vitality of important indigenous concepts and values in local indigenous languages, and examine how these have been and are currently transmitted by indigenous elders to the younger generations. The research and documentation will be done in eight indigenous peoples’ communities. The results will be compiled as a research report and published to be used for further enhancement, transmission and advocacy, especially indigenous concepts and values.

Local partner information

The Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education (Tebtebba) is an indigenous peoples’ organization born out of the need for heightened advocacy to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide. It advocates and works on the elaboration and operationalization of indigenous peoples’ sustainable, self-determined development. Tebtebba has been actively engaged in processes related to the adoption of international human rights law and other international instruments, policies and agreements, such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and the establishment of spaces within the United Nations, like the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, among others.

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