
Strengthen of Indigenous Food and Economic System and knowledge transfer between indigenous youth and elders in Kememanggungan Dayak Iban Jalai Lintang, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan

Local Partner: Sungai Utik Community/ AMAN

Background and objective: The project goal is to strengthen of Indigenous Food and Economic System and knowledge transfer between indigenous youth and elders in Ketemanggungan Dayak Iban Jalai Lintang, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. Local paddies and coffee which have been identified by seven
(7) indigenous communities of Dayak Iban Jalai Lintang, will be revitalized and their production
capacity increased. BUMMA or community-owned business entity that has been formed will bestrengthened on developing indigenous coffee business. This project will also strengthen indigenous schools that were formed by communities through curriculum development and technical support for teaching and learning processes. Local partner information: AMAN’s mission is to empower, advocate for, and mobilize indigenous people’s of the Indonesian archipelago to protect our collective rights, and to preserve our cultures and environments for current and future generations. AMAN provides innovative solutions by utilizing indigenous values, knowledge, and solidarity to promote social justice, ecological sustainability and human welfare. The major programs are Legal recognition on the rights of indigenous peoples’s in Indonesia, Mapping of Indigenous Territories, Indigenous Peopples’ political participation), Economic empowerment, Strengthen Indigenous Youth and Women, and Renewable energy program.The implementation of this project will involve 7 indigenous communities of Ketemenggungan Dayak Iban Jalai Lintang in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. AMAN Kapuas Hulu, as local chapter, will be involved in the project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation

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