
Sustaining resilient ecosystem and protecting cultural integrity through building adaptive governance systems and vibrant inter-generational alliance.

Local Partner: Gabbra Community

Background and objective: The project aims to strengthen the Gabbra traditional governance systems, bio-cultural heritage, social cohesion and intergenerational knowledge transmission through innovation, co- learning, networking and collaboration among the Gabbra and with other communities in the rangelands of Northern Kenya .                                                                                                                                               Local partner Information:Ababuro Culture Conservation and Development (ACCD) was established in one of the five Gabbra traditional assemblies (Yaa) October 2012 to protect rights, culture, land, environment, livelihoods (pastoralism) and promote sustainable development.  ACCD is currently being used to strengthen a pan-Gabbra entity (that is pan-Yaa) and exists through working with and connected to the Yaa Assemblies.  ACCD is linked to the Yaa Assemblies through the yet-to-be-registered Tokkumma Association an adaptive, pan-Gabbra community organization whose wider reach encompasses the membership of the of the entire five Gabbra YAA assemblies. 

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