
Comunicación radial transformadora para promover y defender los derechos territoriales, culturales y ambientales de Pueblos Indígenas en Paraguay.

Local Partner:  FAPI – Paraguay

This proposal seeks to contribute to the permanent process of enforcing the right of indigenous peoples to communication, understood as self-determination in the management of their media and communication systems, where we recognize the contribution of community radio stations to educate, inform, educate, disseminate cultures, raise awareness and provide guidance on issues that are being experienced in indigenous communities and territories of the country, characterized mostly by their condition of extreme poverty, exclusion and permanent violation of their individual and collective rights. The General objective is to strengthen indigenous rural communication and alternative journalism aimed at promoting the development of the Indigenous Peoples of Paraguay, from a rights-based approach, intercultural dialogue and democratic participation.  

Local Partner:

The Federation for the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples -FAPI is an organization recognized nationally and internationally for its trajectory of defense and promotion of the rights and cultures of indigenous peoples. Through its actions and proposals, they seek to contribute to the achievement of the full enforcement of legal guarantees and compliance with the national and international legal framework in favor of indigenous peoples, by strengthening the capacity for self-management, strategic articulation of indigenous organizations and advocacy for inclusive and equitable public policies.

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