Local Partners
National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN)

Our Grant Partners are indigenous peoples from
all around the globe.

Know our Projects

Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: indigenous youth cultural exchange program
The Cultural Conservancy (TCC) Kimak’ol – The Nourished Heart: Indigenous

Intergenerational dialogues on life cycles in Culture of the Miskitu people in the northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region.
Casa de Cultura Multiétnica de la Region Autónoma del Caribe

Indigenous youth tracing the ancestor´ Paths
The one year Project “Indigenous Youth Tracing the Ancestors’ Paths”

Education through action
Association for Culture-creating Schools of Altai Restoration of the traditional

Walking with our ancestors: mapping traditional territories in Malaysia
Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) Empower indigenous youths to produce

Promotion, enchancement and transmission of indigenous knowledge and practices of the Pidlisan, Tribe, Kankanaey, Igorot in the Northern Villages of Sagada, Mountain province, Philippines.
Pidlisan Tribe Organization (PTO) Enhancement of indigenous ways of learning

Indigenous peoples learning center for the transmission of indigenous knowledge and values formation among indigenous youth in Asia
Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN) Provide space where indigenous

Strengthening young indigenous leaders and intergenerational communication
Strengthen the leadership of young Andean and Amazonian people through

Sauti ya nyuki (Kiswahili for “The call of the honey bee”)
Porini Welfare Association Promotion and application of indigenous apicultural knowledge

Awaking the Potential of the Sleeping Dragon Community Center – Despertando las potencialidades del centro comunitario “El dragon dormido” en Santiago de Okola, Lago titicaca Bolivia.
ASITURSO- Asociación Integral de Turismo de Santiago de Okola Carry

Promotion of traditional knowledge and cultural practices for sustainable management of forest and natural resources through community-based monitoring and information system (cbmis)
Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED) Empower Dura

Traditional markers
Tengri School of Spiritual Ecology This initiative will protect the

Indigenous conservation of sacred sites: places, people and practices of spirit and ceremony
The Registered Trustees of PACOS Trust To acknowledge and support

Indigenous knowledge in traditional handicrafts of indigenous women in Thailand
Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT) In particular indigenous women

Weaving innovation in guatemala through traditional ixil women cultural practices
ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j The

Cultural conservation practices, in Indigenous peoples Miskito Ancestral Pueblo (Nicaragua) and the indigenous peoples of Tekoa Yma Guarani (Paraguay)
Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas (FAPI) Promote