
Scaling up renewable energy as a means of combating climate change crisis among Ogiek of Mau Forest in Kenya

Ogiek Peoples Development Programme (OPDP)

The initiative aims to increase clean energy and access to the Ogiek Community by providing renewable energy and mitigating climate change.

To: a) Build the capacity of the Ogiek community on the use of renewable energies such as energy-saving jikos, biogas, briquettes, and solar systems; b) Provide support to 50 Ogiek women with energy-saving jikos and 30 households with solar power lighting systems, c) Create partnerships with the Narok County government and CSOs on renewable energy, d) Creating awareness of renewable energy policies in Kenya, e) Create awareness of SDG7 and climate justice mechanisms amongst the Ogiek and other IPs in Narok County and f) Publishing renewable energy manual.

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