
Revitalizing Indigenous Newar language and culture

Women Empowerment Nepal (WEN)

This project aims to revitalize the indigenous Newar language and its culture. Due to one language policy taken by Nepal government, Indigenous languages are in threat including Newar language in Nepal. In addition, as of cultural encroachment, Newar culture are in stake. Newars have distinct culture for every occasion from birth to death but Newars are adapting other cultures due to migration from their origin and other influences. Therefore, through this project we want to revitalize the Newar language and culture using different available tools.

36 enabled Newar native speakers living in other districts than Kathmandu valley to teach Newar language to their communities/districts. These 36-trained Newars will teach Newar language in their districts as regular activities of NDD district committees; At least 2,000 copies of book published for teaching Newar language; 26 sessions/episodes of multimedia series on Newar language and culture and released globally via YouTube channel; 12 sets of virtual classes for Newar youths and women on Newar language and script; 15 municipalities of Kathmandu valley initiate discussion on introducing local culture in Newar language; Committed Newar Member of parliaments, Newar Mayors, Deputy mayors and Newar leaders on prioritizing the revitalization of Newar language and culture as their regular activities within their constituencies.

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