
MENLIW-AT: Production of Info-plugs and Programs on Traditional Practices of Sagada Kankanaey ethno-linguistic group on maternal and child care

Sagada Community Media Network, INC

Ten episodes of 30minute programs and 15 information plugs shall be produced on the traditional practices of the Sagada Kankanaey ethno-linguistic group on the welfare of pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants from zero to weening age.These shall be aired as part of “Pinagpagan: Sagada Radio Women’s Program”. These intends to educate and re-educate its listeners on positive indigenous practices on pregnant and nursing mothers as well as infant care. It intends to augment government health programs as well as strengthen community care for women and children.

Expected: Written compilation of the IP practices by Sagada Kankanaey on the welfare of pregnant, nursing mothers and infants zero to two-years old; including a micro-thesaurus on indigenous terminologies on or related to this. Printing and distribution of the compilation to 19 barangays of Sagada, MLGU Health office, 6 Secondary Schools in Sagada. Not less than ten radio show scripts; Not less than ten 30-min radio programs; Not less than 15 informative plugs.

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