
Institutional Strengthening

Pertubuhan Wanita Orang Asal Malaysia (PWOAM)

This proposal is for Institutional Strengthening of the newly established Indigenous Women Organization in Malaysia. The establishment of Malaysian Indigenous Women’s organizations was proposed in the JOAS 2021 general meeting, the proposal was to have one JOAS

Indigenous Women’s committee for each region. Following this recommendation, the dialogue was implemented on September 11, 2021 and November 22, 2022. Roadshows to each region have also been carried out for the promotion of this proposal.

The steering committee members will be functional; Comprehensive constitution, policies and SOPs will be prepare; Two committee members will be able to manage PWOAM finance; Two committee members will be trained as project management; Two IW will able to present and advocate for Indigenous Women’s Issues of Malaysia; PWOAM’s social media will shape the narrative of the organization and promote the organization and disseminate information.

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