
Documentation of BALIK Indigenous Language and establishment of Indigenous school in Balik communities

Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN)

This project will support the indigenous youth in two Indigenous communities to organize themselves to documenting their indigenous language and to do preparation to establish their indigenous school until their indigenous school established. Indigenous education strongly needed by their community, considering their community as one of endangered communities in Indonesia and also their community was claimed by Indonesian government as IKN (The new Indonesian capital project) location, which is can accelerate the extinction of Balik Indigenous community. Indigenous education can help to make sure that transfer of knowledge from the remain indigenous knowledge holder to the youth come to pass.

Indigenous community will agree to establish the indigenous school in their community.; Indigenous community will have their own plans to do transfer of knowledge through the indigenous school.; Indigenous community have a documentation of Balik’s Indigenous Language.

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