
Building organizational capacity and strengthening leadership in JOAS

Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS)

This project will reinforce solidarity at all levels by enhancing communications to overcome current and emerging challenges through:
Building a unified country team by strengthening the leadership and network of members and affiliates through regular meetings and consultations using bottom up and relationship building approach to address leadership gaps and enabling intergenerational leadership transition; Building capacity in research, documentation and communications through a holistic approach in promoting self-determination, where a strong research and documentation team using effective advocacy strategy by empowering women and youth, recruiting and training human resources equipped with the right tools.

Strong JOAS leadership as the national focal organization for Indigenous Peoples movement in Malaysia, where the solidarity and trust amongst members are restored. A strong Communications and Media Unit supported by a research and documentation team under the Local and International Unit with the right skills and equipment with effective advocacy strategy is in place.A strong and robust financial management system with adequate human resource is set up in JOAS.

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