
Apoyar a las familias indígenas Mayangna de la comunidad de Wilu afectadas por la tragedia de quema de sus viviendas y asesinadas por los colonos en la comunidad de Wilu del territorio Sauni As, municipio de Bonanza.

Tierra Nativa

The Busuréliami vision came to Martin Chavez, in 1994. He received the name, “Makawi” (the Dove), and a sacred mission to inspire salvation of Ralámuli culture.

The overarching goal of the Busureliami Program is to revitalize the guidance of Nawésari, the ancestral knowledge to sustain harmony within self, community and Nature.

The first goal is to strengthen cultural identity, self-esteem, spiritual practice, academic performance and behavior of Tarahumara children.

The second goal is to re-awaken the spiritual practice, traditional governance and autonomy of the Ralámuli to advance recognition of their collective rights while maintaining harmony with the Spirits of Nature

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